Illegitimate Transfer of Inalienable European Rights via Convention(s) & Supranational Bodies
Establishment of Sovereignty-Usurping Supranational Body Dictatorships
Enduring Program of DEMOGRAPHICS WAR on Europeans
Enduring Program of PSYCHOLOGICAL WAR on Europeans
Enduring Program of European Displacement, Dismemberment, Dispossession, & Dissolution
No wars or conditions abroad (& no domestic or global economic pretexts) justify government policy facilitating the invasion of ancestral European homelands, the rape of European women, the destruction of European societies, & the genocide of Europeans.
[LINK | Article]

*U.S. OLIGARCHY WAGES HYBRID WAR* | U.S. Empire's Casino Unsustainable | Destabilised U.S. Monetary & Financial System | U.S. Defaults Twice A Year | Causes for Global Financial Crisis of 2008 Remain | Financial Pyramids Composed of Derivatives & National Debt Are Growing | *U.S. OLIGARCHY WAGES HYBRID WAR* | U.S. Empire's Casino Unsustainable | Destabilised U.S. Monetary & Financial System | U.S. Defaults Twice A Year | Causes for Global Financial Crisis of 2008 Remain | Financial Pyramids Composed of Derivatives & National Debt Are Growing | *U.S. OLIGARCHY WAGES HYBRID WAR*

Who's preaching world democracy, democracy, democracy? —Who wants to make free people free?
[info from Craig Murray video appearance, follows]  US-Anglo Alliance DELIBERATELY STOKING ANTI-RUSSIAN FEELING & RAMPING UP TENSION BETWEEN EASTERN EUROPE & RUSSIA.  British military/government feeding media PROPAGANDA.  Media choosing to PUBLISH government PROPAGANDA.  US naval aggression against Russia:  Baltic Sea — US naval aggression against China:  South China Sea.  Continued NATO pressure on Russia:  US missile systems moving into Eastern Europe.     [info from John Pilger interview follows]  War Hawk:  Hillary Clinton — embodiment of seamless aggressive American imperialist post-WWII system.  USA in frenzy of preparation for a conflict.  Greatest US-led build-up of forces since WWII gathered in Eastern Europe and in Baltic states.  US expansion & military preparation HAS NOT BEEN REPORTED IN THE WEST.  Since US paid for & controlled US coup, UKRAINE has become an American preserve and CIA Theme Park, on Russia's borderland, through which Germans invaded in the 1940s, costing 27 million Russian lives.  Imagine equivalent occurring on US borders in Canada or Mexico.  US military preparations against RUSSIA and against CHINA have NOT been reported by MEDIA.  US has sent guided missile ships to diputed zone in South China Sea.  DANGER OF US PRE-EMPTIVE NUCLEAR STRIKES.  China is on HIGH NUCLEAR ALERT.  US spy plane intercepted by Chinese fighter jets.  Public is primed to accept so-called 'aggressive' moves by China, when these are in fact defensive moves:  US 400 major bases encircling China; Okinawa has 32 American military installations; Japan has 130 American military bases in all.  WARNING PENTAGON MILITARY THINKING DOMINATES WASHINGTON. ⟴  
Showing posts with label Immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immigration. Show all posts

January 20, 2016

Sweden - Various: Migrant Culture, Sexual Assaults, & Proposed Political Reform

as marked

Sweden - Various - Migrant Culture, Sexual Assaults, & Proposed Political Reform


Opinion Along Lines:
Culture is Relevant re Sexual Assaults of European Women
Svenska Dagbladet ('Swedish Daily Newspaper')
LINK | Post

Sweden - Political Reform
Ministry of Culture / govt
to 'increase political equality'

eg.   "Municipalities proposed to conduct an experiment with voting rights from 16 years in the elections 2018"

Peter Harold post
re:   above Swe govt proposal  / 'fixing' democracy
"more people should be involved in the Swedish political charade instead of lifting power from the politicians and give it to the people "
Swedish to English
Google Translation:

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Material I found of interest.

Feminism is Deader than Europe


Feminism is Deader than Europe
Published on January 18, 2016
comments 32

After Cologne, Feminism is Dead

written by Phillip Mark McGough


If German history in general is short on laughs (even Schopenhauer’s explanation of the psychology of humour in The World As Will and Representation is unrelentingly miserable) the period 1933 to 1945 is emphatically joyless. Though one of the few tragi-comic chapters in the horror story of Nazism concerns a strange little organization called the Association of German National Jews. They were a pro-National Socialist Jewish group whose membership not only welcomed Hitler’s accession but actively promoted the self-eradication of Jewish identity and its absorption into the new, heroic, master-culture represented by the Nazis (it was said of them, tongue only partly in cheek, that their motto was “down with us”). In 1935, predictably and forcibly, the group was disbanded. Whereas Stalin had his useful idiots, for Hitler there could be no useful Jews.

With the above in mind, Marx needs revision. History repeats itself: First as farce, then as tragedy. No longer the unofficial motto of a handful of obscure pre-war self-hating Jews, Down With Us has latterly been adopted (or so it seems) as an official article of policy by the German government itself. Here is a country whose improvident approach to Near Eastern immigration these past few months is quite literally threatening its future as a liberal, progressive, democratically-viable European nation-state. It wouldn’t take an especially imaginative political cartoonist to show Frau Merkel as Frankenstein- throwing levers and blowing fuses as she botches an attempt to graft a million (and counting) Muslim refugees onto the body politic of an increasingly mutilated society. In politics as in cheap Gothic literature, such experiments breed monsters.

Some of us are old enough to remember when refugees consisted almost entirely (and by definition) of the most vulnerable members of any given country in crisis: Women, children, the elderly, and so forth. Today, on the other hand, most of the Muslims arriving in Europe from the Near East seem to be young men of fighting age: Young men whose views regarding Jews, gays, and of course women are completely at odds with Europe’s liberal tradition as it’s evolved these past few centuries; a liberal tradition which Germany, for obvious reasons, has sought to reify in its approach to domestic and international affairs ever since the end of the war. But thanks in no small measure to mass Muslim immigration, antisemitism in its most predatory incarnation is once again the norm on German streets, while misogyny is more or less accepted, even expected. It is to choke on the irony of it all. In the name of a long-cherished tradition of tolerance, Germany is becoming savagely intolerant: Totally unsafe for Jews who dare to display their Judaism in public, and increasingly unsafe for women who dare even to go out in public at all after nightfall (or use a swimming pool; or attend a carnival; or do pretty much anything short of redacting their identity behind a hijab and never leaving the house again).

The details of what exactly went on in Cologne and other German cities on New Year’s Eve 2015 are too horrible and by now too well-known to merit repetition. What deserves to be iterated and reiterated by way of a cautionary tale is the story of the shameful reaction of the German authorities (both local and national) to an unprecedented outbreak of mass sexual truancy among highly organized sections of the migrant community: A reaction which went through textbook stages of denial, cover-up, and, eventually, victim-blaming (in the immediate aftermath of the assaults, the [female] Mayor of Cologne sprang into action with a set of guidelines for women on how best to behave in public so as not to inflame the migrant libido). Lie back and think of multiculturalism, German women were effectively being told.

Then came the equally wearily predictable warnings of what we were to understand was the real problem
here: Not Muslim misogyny, but Islamophobia. Ralf Jaeger, Minister of the Interior for North Rhine-Westphalia, famously drew moral symmetry between the sexual assaults and the reaction of the commentariat: “What happens on right-wing platforms and in chatrooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women” he said. And this wasn’t just a German issue. We now know that law-enforcement authorities throughout Europe have been conniving for some time in similarly clumsy attempts to neutralize news of the scale of the violence (particularly sexual violence against women) at large within certain sections of newly-arrived migrant communities. Across Europe, citizens are being asked by their own governments to accept that complicity in a conspiracy of silence is the highest form of tolerance. Fortunately, most people aren’t buying into it. Sadly, however, some people are: And, oddly enough, not a few of them are women.

If the response of European governments to the continent-wide crisis figureheaded by Cologne was by turns disappointing and disgusting, the response of the feminist left was soul-crushingly depressing- a thesaurus of hypocrisies which went beyond self-parody, untethered itself from rational thought, and proceeded to float around the comment pages and the Twitter feeds like a rogue blimp.

It might seem invidious to draw attention to the unintentionally hysterical (in both senses of the term) remarks of just one feminist commentator when there are so many others to choose from, but there was something about the events in Cologne that seemed to send Laurie Penny stark raving mad. From her Harvard redoubt- with the depth and breadth of the Atlantic Ocean between her and reality- the true, ideological nature of the crisis facing Europe suddenly became terribly clear. In a New Statesman piece with the urgent title “After Cologne We Can’t Let The Bigots Steal Feminism”, we learned from Laurie that the whole sorry situation wasn’t about the myopic stupidity of governments importing (and importing wholesale) a hyper-masculine, misogynistic, patriarchal, unassimilable culture into Europe; instead it was about “the theft of feminist rhetoric by imperialism and racism.”

Laurie also reminded those of us who thought we were appalled by events in Cologne that we’re not really appalled by events in Cologne: We’re only pretending to be appalled by events in Cologne so that we can indulge in a spot of good old-fashioned Muslim-bashing. “White supremacist patriarchy only concerns itself with women’s safety when rape and sexual assault can be pinned on cultural outsiders” she thundered, while also speculating (in curiously feverish language) that not a few white people who claim to be opposed to Islamic sexual violence are secretly turned on by the idea of savage brown men doing unspeakable things to helpless white women. To be fair, and in the same article, Laurie graciously concludes (doubtless after long and hard consideration) that rape is never excusable — not even when the perpetrators “are really angry and disenfranchised” (which sounds a bit like an excuse to me).

We could go on. We could mention Deborah Orr in the Guardian, who somehow managed to link events in Cologne to the historical failings of European (and British) criminal justice systems; or Gaby Hinsliff (also, coincidentally enough, in the Guardian) who contrasted the “expensive smartphones” of the assaulted German women with the miserable lives of “young male migrants…scraping by at the bottom of Europe’s social and economic food chain” (query: what’s the Arabic for “with that iPhone she was asking for it”?). Suffice to say that to endure the Krakatoa-like eruption of cognitive dissonance from the feminist left in the aftermath of the obscenity of Cologne was to have a whole new dimension of unpleasantness added to what was an already thoroughly unpleasant ordeal: A bit like being hectored by One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’s Nurse Ratched during a particularly difficult colonoscopy. We really could have done without it.

As a general point, it really is astonishing the extent to which the feminist left (in fact, the left in general) is prepared to veto entire chapters of its own otherwise Inquisitorially-enforced ideology in the interests of maintaining 100% solidarity with Islamthe most ruthlessly misogynistic force in the world today. The same people who see and hear rape culture literally everywhere (on University campuses, in wolf-whistles, on saucy t-shirts worn by rocket scientists, etc) somehow suddenly can’t see or hear it at all when it involves feral mobs of migrants assaulting women en masse in public in major European cities. Amid a miasma of double standards and self-contradictory froth, what’s clear is that the left is only opposed to evils like misogyny, homophobia, and racism inasmuch as they can be bundled into a knout and wielded without mercy to give white, western, man a damn good thrashing.

Ever since the rise of Islamism in place of Communism as the chief ideological antipode of western values, the left has sunk lower and lower into moral insolvency in its pathological urge to aid, abet, and excuse the actions of the enemies of tolerance. Until recently, the more recklessly optimistic among us thought there might be a turning point. Perhaps after Paris January 2015, or after Paris November 2015, or after Cologne, or after [insert any given Islamist transgression against basic decency here] … perhaps then we would witness some sort of renaissance of sanity, a resurrection of reason, when the left would rediscover its social justice-based roots and surprise us with outright condemnation of the horror, with no plea of mitigation.

We must now accept that this turning point will never come; indeed, that for the European liberal left in general, and for the feminist left in particular, a point of no return has been reached. Axiom: After Cologne, feminism is dead. Europe must now focus on the more important issue of women’s rights.

Phillip Mark McGough is a UK-based writer, lawyer and blogger for the Huffington Post and the Jerusalem Post. Follow him on Twitter:  @PMMcGough

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This was a very good article. 

Not sure what I think overall.

As I see this, the key issue is that these people are not European and that their homeland is not Europe.
The matter of religion and of culture can therefore be set aside as an irrelevant debate:  if the aim is to remedy the problem at its foundation.  And that problem is:  invasion Europe.  

Religious and cultural factors remain material and key in terms of comprehending and discussing events and criminal incidents, which now span decades in Europe.  But understanding differences in the hope of finding solutions is an exercise in futility that could span decades more of discussion, programs, interventions, debates and so on.
Europe does not have decades to waste in social experiments destined for failure.  Europe is finished if Europe does not awake:  now.

I liked the 'down with us' and the 'with the depth and breadth of the Atlantic Ocean between her and reality' in the article above.
'Down with us' makes me think of those naive modern-day 'hippies' holding up the 'refugees welcome' signs in Europe, welcoming the invasion of their ancestral homelands.
Feminism's just another way for segments of Western intelligentsia to wallow in their self-importance, while whining, critiquing, pontificating, soap-boxing and, eventually, brainwashing the gullible by way of world-wide professional media platform dissemination of self-indulgent fantasy, when not churning out outright tailor-made propaganda, and progressively more and more insane 'PC policing' and utopian social engineering directives, or victimising some poor bastard (or group) that's become the target of smear or intended political suppression.
In my view, 'feminism' is whatever Western society will indulge.
The bulwark of that society is the maligned 'white men' who happen to be the only barrier that stands between the order of Western civilisation and its alternative:  chaos & barbarity.
Feminism is a PR lie that's exploited by politicians, Western institutions, media and intelligentsia whose members:
  • DO NOT CARE for the safety of European women;
  • DO NOT CARE for the welfare & integrity of European societies; 
  • DO NOT CARE for squandering the heritage of  European nations;
  • DO NOT CARE for having initiated the destruction of Europeans.
Politicians and their advisers are well aware of the social costs associated with mass non-European population intake, yet successive politicians have knowingly and actively facilitated the rape of European women and the destruction of European societies over at least the last five decades.

January 19, 2016

Swedish Media Censoring Migrant Crime Stories 16 Years

as marked

Swedish Media Censoring Migrant Crime Stories 16 Years

Google Translation
Swedish to English

Reporters angles not to promote SD

Published January 16, 2016 at 07:32  |  Sakine Madon

Blinds journalists information and news for not favoring SD? The claim is dismissed as tin foil hat theory. But journalists who I am in contact with testifies problems.

Jesper Strömbäck, professor of media and communications, said the other day: "The media would cover up any berries in my estimation powerful lure of conspiracy theory." (Summary, 12/1). Sometimes opt out information about news values, he points out.

And it is true in general. Meanwhile, for example Skånska Dagbladets then editor Jan A Johansson, the journalist Björn Hagers book "Party Problem", where SD acknowledges that data has been omitted to avoid a "hell damage to society".

The other day I asked the question of social media: "You, who worked as / journalists. Have you been part of the editorial staff wanted to downplay or avoid substances because 'can benefit sd'? "Journalists of various ages, men and women, with different backgrounds and from different media, approached him. Those who responded publicly on Twitter gave mostly no answers, they had not encountered it. Those who approached him privately gave a more distressing picture.

A journalist who has conveyed the news on integration and immigration for many years expressed that "this subject is super sensitive". There is a younger generation who think black and white, according to the person: "If something the interviewee says complicates the thesis and one's own worldview you cut it out of the story." When the journalist himself has let different voices to be heard, it has led to attacks from other journalists. Nowadays, I am very cautious reports, tell the person. "Can not be bothered to have enemies," is the explanation.

Another journalist that contact has been working on a few different media newsrooms. "Before the last election in 2010, when I remember especially a completely bizarre discussion, the reporters at the coffee machine stood talking about 'how should we respond to the Sweden Democrats, we can not take them as an ordinary party" he says. And testifies to the directives from the new boss to "take it easy" when he examines the integration-related topics.

The call to be careful recur[s]. One person has been worshiped be there when asked about problems at an accommodation for unaccompanied youths arrived at the speech. Another person reported that a senior colleague with strong political views have stopped reportage about mess at an asylum accommodation. Others describe a caution with the choice of words, of news or signalement [comment:  description] in order not to encourage xenophobia.

A journalist who has worked in several major editorial says that in all workplaces has been a spoken or unspoken policy not to promote SD and xenophobia. And remember especially honor the murder of Pela Atroshi: "We did not write a line about it."

These journalists are no foil hats. On the contrary, highlights several that most journalists and news executives are honest people. Yet the problem is there.

The country's media editorial offices need to consider a lap: we should explicitly be against SD? If not; how do we ensure that journalism was shot? It is easy to shout "conspiracy theory" to any criticism. The harder it is to see their own role in that trust in the media falls, while the SD sites celebrating victory after victory.

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What kind of questions is:  should we explicitly be against SD (ie Sweden Democrats), which is a pro-nationalist and anti-immigration party?

Who are journalists to decide whether they will 'back' given political parties or not, and how is this remotely considered the right thing to do?

Their job is to deliver information to the public so that the public may make informed choices; and not to decide for the public in advance what is 'good' for the public or otherwise.
However, the press does the OPPOSITE of its role:  it DENIES the public information.  And when the press does throw a few crumbs of information at the public, it comes along with truckloads of mind-bending propaganda that most people would not recognise for what it is, because most people do not have the time to widely research every detail of what they are being fed (or the ability, therefore, to pick up what they are being denied) by the press.

In this warped Swedish politics, press & intelligentsia world, keeping Sweden open to what (in my view) amounts to a genocidal immigration policy, that has already resulted in various negative social impacts, is considered a positive and resistance to genocidal immigration policy is considered undesirable and 'xenophobic'.

It appears the problem of censorship or suppression comes from top down as well as sideways, from colleagues who disapprove and attack those that permit other voices to be heard.

The problem of censorship or suppression, of information that the public is entitled to, goes well beyond the censoring Swedish press:  'liberal' ideology and propaganda has permeated all Swedish institutions and is espoused by all mainstream political, academic, media and cultural figures, in what is a hysterical, self-sustaining ideological grip.

Just as potential press 'dissenters' (ie those that perhaps might stray in some way to challenge accepted 'reality' or  ideology & so forth) are silenced from above and attacked by colleagues, other professionals are no doubt likewise at risk of suppression and attack, and are precluded from voicing alternate views (were they willing to take the risks involved, and were they given a platform to do so) for fear of the social and economic consequences.

Another thing that is not mentioned here is the potential for violent consequences:

(a) street riots, which Sweden has already seen in its no-go suburbs of immigrants.

(b) the potential threat of individual murder (as well as Charlie Hebdo type attack) from minorities with a custom of threatening the lives of those they do not agree with.
If point (b) sounds far-fetched, look at the Netherlands politician Geert Wilders (Party for Freedom) who has 24/7 security due to the death threats:  "Death threats regularly arrive at his office ... " [Newsweek].

Pela Atroshi is an Iraqi Kurdistan female honour killing victim (here).

As nothing was written of Pela Atroshi's 1999 murder:
which was planned in Sweden by 11 members of her  Iraqi Kurdish tribal clan/family
and executed in Iraq
after she was lured to Iraq
on the basis of arranged marriage
the Swedish press has been censoring (ie suppressing) immigrant related issues for at least 16 years, if not longer, given this statement:

"And remember especially honor the murder of Pela Atroshi: "We did not write a line about it.""

Pela Atroshi
Iraqi Kurdistan - Honour Killing 1999

From the Pela Atroshi article, it looks like the Australian and Swedish authorities' collaboration goes back a long way.

January 18, 2016

Sweden's Shameful Record of CONCEALING RAPE of Swedish Women


Sweden's Shameful Record of Cover-Up of Rape of Swedish Women

It’s not only Germany that covers up mass sex attacks by migrant men... Sweden’s record is shameful

Stockholm police were warned not to give descriptions of the perpetrators lest they were accused of being racist

Ivar Arpi  |  16 January 2016  |  Stockholm

It took days for police to acknowledge the extent of the mass attacks on women celebrating New Year’s Eve in Cologne. The Germans were lucky; in Sweden, similar attacks have been taking place for more than a year and the authorities are still playing catch up. Only now is the truth emerging, both about the attacks and the cover-ups. Stefan Löfven, our Prime Minister, has denounced a ‘double betrayal’ of women and has promised an investigation. But he ought to be asking this: what made the police and even journalists cover up the truth?

The answer can be discovered in the reaction to the Cologne attacks. Sweden prides itself on its sexual equality and has even pioneered a feminist foreign policy. When hundreds of women were reported to have been molested and abused in Cologne — at the hands of an organised mob — the reaction from Swedish politicians and pundits ought to have been one of outrage.

Instead, we were told that the events in Cologne were not unusual. An article in Aftonbladet, Sweden’s largest tabloid, argued that it was racist to point out that the perpetrators in Cologne had been described as North African or Arab, since German men had carried out sexual assaults during Bavaria’s Oktober-fest. Another Aftonbladet article said that reporting on the Cologne attacks was bowing to right-wing extremism. Over the last week, we have been told over and over that the real issue is men, not any particular culture — that Swedish men are no better.

Then last week Sweden’s own stories began to emerge. During the We Are Sthlm music festival, large groups of young men harassed girls sexually. It began in 2014 and it also went on during last year’s festival. According to internal police reports the groups were ‘so-called refugee youths primarily from Afghanistan’.
The youngest of the victims was 12 years old.

The police claimed that there were ‘relatively few crimes and arrests considering the number of participants’. Internal reports told a different story. The police were shocked enough by the harassment to try to come up with a strategy to handle the groups of molesters at the festival — a strategy that was evidently unsuccessful. The trouble was that they were trying to deal with a problem but would not speak its name. As Peter Ågren, police chief in central Stockholm, put it: ‘Sometimes we do not dare to say how things really are because we believe it will play into the hands of the Sweden Democrats.’ As we now know, police officers in Stockholm are instructed not to reveal the ethnicity or nationality of any suspects lest they be accused of racism.  [comment:  Agren has stated that he was misquoted by Dagens Nyheter & that he did not specifically link Sweden Democrats with the rationale put out for not reporting the mob rapes / sex assaults, although there was general discussion regarding nationalist parties, as I understand from (translated) article I recently read.  So the Swedish paper that did not report on the disclosures made 6 months ago by a whistleblower, subsequently also misquoted Agren (HERE)]

The Sweden Democrats are the anti-immigration populist force in Swedenno longer a fringe element but the third–largest party after the election of 2014. Opinion polls suggest they are growing ever stronger. They are reviled by all other parties, who try to fight them by rejecting their every claim as baseless. As a result, immigration cannot be discussed frankly in Sweden. If you mention anything negative about refugees or immigration, you’re accused of playing into the hands of the reviled far-right. As a result, even legitimate concerns are silenced or labelled xenophobic. The recent migration crisis has changed this only slightly.  [comment:  I cannot convey how sick I am of seeing the word 'populist' frequently used alongside descriptions of nationalist or anti-immigration political organisations.  By attaching 'populist' to the description, the press conveys that such organisations ''appeal to the interests or prejudices of ordinary people" as if the interest of 'ordinary' Europeans are less valid than the outlook, interests, motivations and agendas of the butt-kissing middle-class intelligentsia, politicians and their wealthy patrons, who are responsible for the promotion of genocidal (& rape of European women) policies for decades in Western nations & now European women are reaping what these cretins have sown.]

When a country cannot hold honest debates, there are consequences. Take Roger Ticoalu, director of events at Stockholm City Council. He said he had been utterly unaware of the risk of such attacks:

    ‘It was a modus operandi that we had never seen before: large groups of young men who surround girls and molest them.’

The German police made a similar point: they are used to handling drunks. But gangs of young men encircling and then groping women at large public gatherings: who has ever heard of such a thing?

In the Arab world, it’s something of a phenomenon. It has a name: ‘Taharrush gamea’. Sometimes the girls are teased and have their veils torn off by gangs of young men;
sometimes it escalates into rape. Five years ago, this form of attack was the subject of an award-winning Egyptian film, 678. Instances of young men surrounding and attacking girls were reported throughout the Arab Spring protests in Cairo in 2011 and 2012. Lara Logan, a CNN journalist covering the fall of Hosni Mubarak, was raped in Tahrir Square. Taharrush gamea is a modern evil, and it’s being imported into Europe. Our authorities ought to be aware of it.

But they can’t be made aware, when any mention of the issue is discouraged. This leaves the police unprepared, and leaves the public feeling not just vulnerable but deceived. It doesn’t take a conspiracy theorist to wonder how many more instances there have been where Swedish police have taken political considerations into account before disclosing information.

Before Dan Eliasson became Sweden’s national police commissioner, he tweeted that he ‘vomited’ when he saw Jimmie Åkesson, party leader of the Sweden Democrats, on television. To what degree were his own personal political views imprinted on the Swedish police? Were the officers who covered up the sexual harassments responding to signals from Eliasson? Did they think that making a fuss about immigrant crime was a bad career move, and did that stop them doing their duty?

Even now, Swedes are still trying to figure out what exactly has been going on. Reports are emerging of Taharrush gamea-style harassment in Malmö on New Year’s Eve. According to police reports, hundreds of refugee youths from Afghanistan roamed around and ‘surrounded intoxicated girls/women and harassed them’. Similar incidents are being reported from towns such as Kalmar and Karlstad. The Finnish authorities are handling reports of organised sexual harassment perpetrated by Iraqi immigrants.

We Swedes pride ourselves on our unrivalled record on respecting women’s rights. But when women’s rights conflict with the goal of accommodating other cultures, it’s almost always women who are pushed to the side. This week, the chattering classes in Sweden will be worrying about how this story plays into the hands of the Sweden Democrats. But events have moved beyond that. The truth may be painful. Yet, as we have seen, concealing the truth is worse.

Ivar Arpi is an editorial page writer for Svenska Dagbladet.

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I'm disgusted that Europeans let their women get assaulted by what amounts to genocidal imports at European taxpayer expense, and that the Vikings are so brainwashed that:

a) this genocidal mass immigration policy is accepted.

b) that leaders of their institutions cover up the rape of Swedish women.

c) that leaders of their institutions insult Swedish nationalists, who represent the vital interest of native Swedes - while they, the liberals, facilitate the rape of Sweden.

Sweden is a lie.  Sweden might think that it is fashionably 'feminist', but despite the 'feminist foreign policy' political schtick that the politicians and intelligentsia showcase, Sweden is NOT remotely concerned with the welfare of its own women.

Sweden's authorities and press have covered up rapes and sexual assaults of Swedish women; Sweden lets off third world gang rapists with nothing but slaps on the wrist (eg. aggravated gang rape conviction is a mere 4 years penalty); Sweden's Migration Board (headed by former Sapo / security service head, Anders Danielsson (2007–2012) - more re Daneilsson, towards end of linked post)  has concealed the rape of a 3-year old by an asylum-seeker; and Sweden's women have been getting WHOLESALE raped and gang-raped by third world immigrants FOR WELL OVER A DECADE that I am aware.

While Sweden was facilitating the rape of its women and covering up the rape of its women by third world gang-rapists, Sweden was also shamelessly pursuing the 5-year political persecution witch-hunt against an Australian journalist, Julian Assange, who exposed US and allied wrongdoings & war crimes; a journalist who has now been detained for over 5 years without charge, while Sweden & UK have refused to respect the political asylum he was rightfully granted by Ecuador & and while Sweden deliberately REFUSED to question Assange to progress the Swedish 'inquiry' (on the advice of the British), so that the Swedes & the British could pursue the true agenda:  extradition of Assange to Sweden for 'questioning' & into the arms of Sweden's powerful American ally, which is waiting in the wings for a US extradition, on the basis of a sealed US Grand Jury indictment  (formal, legal accusation), in existence since Jan. 2011, if not earlier.

Preposterous, undemocratic political persecution by state and media facilitators of rape of Swedish women.
What a sick world we live in.

Media & Politician
Prejudicial Attack on Assange

Sweden Media Misrepresents

Murder of Teenager in Swedish School
European Media Remains Silent

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PS ... & for those that argue that the rape of Western women phenomenon (that's been sweeping Europe for over a decade) is not 'cultural' or related to ethnicity, take a good look at the above article:  'taharrush gamea' is an Arabic form of attack engaged in by mobs of young men assaulting/raping females in the Middle East, you liberal cretins. 

Off-site post & video of mob attack   | here

Sweden Media & Sweden Politician Prejudicial Attack on Assange - 2012

SOURCE - 2012

[CLICK image for clarity / enlargement]
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
Media & Politician Prejudicial Attack on Assange
#Sweden media.
Deputy editor-in-chief Svenska Dagbladet, #Stockholm daily, Martin Jönsson called #Assange a "paranoid querulant" #WikiLeaks

@Raw_Binary 3h

2012 Article

Jakten på Wikileaks

The Swedish media war on Assange - "Australian pig", "retard", "white-haired crackpot", "scumbag"

Publicerad 24 augusti 2012 kl 08.00

Inrikes.Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has claimed that the media climate in Sweden has become so "hostile" against him that it may now jeopardize his right to a fair trial. These allegations have been strongly rejected by several Swedish officials, but a brief glance at recent Swedish media coverage on Assange seems to show that they are not entirely without ground.

In a controversial statement last week, Swedish Minister of Social Affairs Göran Hägglund called Assange a 'coward' and a 'pitiful wretch' for taking refuge at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Hägglund also alleged that Assange was afraid of having "his case tried by the court", even though Assange has not been charged with any crime and has not been summoned to court. He added that Assange was a "scumbag" if the accusations against him were true.

Another official reaction came from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in an angry attempt to explain why Assange cannot be questioned in London: 'You do not dictate the terms if you are a suspect. Get it?', the Ministry declared via its official Twitter channel.

The bulk of the attacks on Assange, however, do not come from government officials, but from journalists and prominent intellectuals. The four major Swedish newspapers - Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet and Expressen - have all roundly condemned the Wikileaks founder, using very strong language. A number of examples are provided below to illustrate the general tone of Swedish media opinion on Assange.

In Sweden's largest tabloid Aftonbladet, well-known columnist Oisín Cantwell characterized Assange as a "coward", a "creep", a "white-haired crackpot" and an "asshole" because he would rather request asylum from Ecuador than face extradition to Sweden.

Cantwell's colleague at Aftonbladet, Johanne Hildebrandt, famous for her reporting from the wars in former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan, chimed in. "He's a paranoid retard who refuses to come to Sweden", she claimed in a recent column.

Also writing in Aftonbladet, prominent journalist Martin Aagård called Assange an "Australian pig". "There are many good reasons to criticize Assange. One of them is that he's a repugnant swine", Aagård elaborated.

In Svenska Dagbladet, a major Stockholm daily, deputy editor-in-chief Martin Jönsson called Assange a "paranoid querulant" who is to blame for "letting Wikileaks fall into ruins". He described Assange's recent speech from the balcony of Ecuador's embassy as a "megalomaniac's circus".

The same theme was echoed by an editorial writer in Sweden's largest daily, Dagens Nyheter, who also called Assange 'paranoid', and a 'querulant'.

Jan Guillou, a well-known journalist and probably Sweden's most famous author, recently proclaimed in Aftonbladet that regardless of "whether Assange is guilty or not 'he's still an unprincipled disgusting little creep", adding "and now I'm holding back".

Writing in Sweden's second-largest tabloid, Expressen, TV journalist and news anchor Jenny Strömstedt advocated that Assange should be put on display in a glass cage at Ecuador's London embassy for the next fifteen years "so that anyone willing to pay entrance can watch his aging struggles".

According to Expressen's culture editor Karin Olsson, Assange is a "dodgy hacker" whom most Swedes view as "a paranoid chauvinist pig". "A year ago we Swedes hailed Assange as a James Bond of the net. Now he's seen as a pitiable, paranoid figure", she writes.

Having previously been portrayed as a romantic rebel, Assange has now become the target of what can only be described as a vicious smear campaign. Legal experts commenting on the accusations against Assange, however, have usually been far from convinced that the prosecutor's case holds water.  For example, Ove Bring, professor emeritus of international law, recently stated that the prosecutor would probably have to drop the case against Assange once he has been questioned, since "the evidence is not enough to charge him with a crime".



Göran Hägglund
Swedish Minister of Social Affairs
called Assange a 'coward' and a 'pitiful wretch'
[comment:  for (rightfully) obtaining political asylum]

Göran Hägglund
Swedish Minister of Social Affairs
prejudiced Assange legal standing & smeared Assange with allegations that Assange
was afraid of:

 'having "his case tried by the court"'

... yet Sweden has 'no case' to speak of

Assange has NOT been charged with any crime
& Assange has not been summoned to court

Göran Hägglund
Swedish Minister of Social Affairs
Swedish Minister of Social Affairs
asserted that Assange:
'a  "scumbag" if the accusations against him were true.'

Key here is:  'if'

Note:  Assange has not been convicted of any crime or even charged with one, as at the date of the Swedish politician making disgraceful, prejudicial public statements -- or since.

Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Twitter 'explanation' for why Assange cannot be questioned in London:
'You do not dictate the terms if you are a suspect. Get it?'

Sweden & UK
Ministry of Truth
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Bulk of the attacks on Assange
from journalists & prominent intelligentsia
[comment:  because they do the dirty work of the state, & probably because politicians, mainstream journalists & intelligentsia rely on the patronage of the same elites]

x4 Major
Swedish newspapers
condemned Assange:
Dagens Nyheter (Sweden largest daily)
Svenska Dagbladet (major Stockholm daily)
Aftonbladet (Sweden largest tabloid)
Expressen (Sweden second-largest tabloid)

Oisín Cantwell
Aftonbladet (Sweden largest tabloid)

"Assange as a "coward", a "creep", a "white-haired crackpot" and an "asshole" because he would rather request asylum from Ecuador than face extradition to Sweden."

[comment:  ie. compliant mainstream media reaction re:  politically persecuted Australian journalist obtaining (rightful) political asylum]

Johanne Hildebrandt
Yugoslavia & Afghanistan
[propagandist scribe]
Aftonbladet (Sweden largest tabloid)

" ... chimed in.  "He's a paranoid retard who refuses to come to Sweden", she claimed in a recent column."

[comment:  As pointed out by Assange lawyer, Sweden declined to interview Assange while he was in Sweden & subsequently failed to do so while he was in the UK (making an exception of him)]

Martin Aagård
prominent journalist
Aftonbladet (Sweden largest tabloid)

" ... called Assange an "Australian pig"."

""There are many good reasons to criticize Assange. One of them is that he's a repugnant swine", Aagård elaborated."

Martin Jönsson
Deputy editor-in-chief
Svenska Dagbladet (major Stockholm daily)
called Assange: 

""paranoid querulant" who is to blame for "letting Wikileaks fall into ruins"."

"described Assange's recent speech from the balcony of Ecuador's embassy as a "megalomaniac's circus"."

[comment:  it is interesting that the media circus is referred to here, when it is the Swedish authorities that leaked information to the Swedish tabloids in order to create this very media circus and press smear that Assange has been subjected to]

Dagens Nyheter
(Sweden largest daily)
editorial writer:

"also called Assange 'paranoid', and a 'querulant'."

[comment:  LOL ... I think I'd be 'paranoid', too, if I had a 150-man US law enforcement team, the FBI, the US State Department, the US Department of Justice and various other US agencies intent on extraditing me re secret US Grand jury sealed indictment (legal accusation), confirmed January 2011 (here)]

Jan Guillou
well-known journalist
Sweden's most famous author
[in Aftonbladet (Sweden largest tabloid)]

"... regardless of "whether Assange is guilty or not 'he's still an unprincipled disgusting little creep", adding "and now I'm holding back"."

[comment:  Yep.  What a creep, exposing US (& Western) government wrongdoings & war crimes.
How dare he seek to defend himself from dodgy legal assault aimed at US extradition, based on Sweden police flimsy and suspect  'allegations'!
And, most of all, how dare the politically persecuted creep obtain political asylum from Ecuador?!]

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Jenny Strömstedt
TV journalist & news anchor
via Expressen
(Sweden second-largest tabloid)

" ... advocated that Assange should be put on display in a glass cage at Ecuador's London embassy for the next fifteen years "so that anyone willing to pay entrance can watch his aging struggles"."

[comment:  being the subject of intense media attention and assault, while imprisoned without charge on flimsy Sweden 'allegations'  (that come with plenty of mind-boggling regularities) is a lot like the glass cage this tabloid hack envisaged.

Coincidentally, it's to this Sweden tabloid, Expressen, that the alleged Sweden 'complainants' proposed divulging information ... information for which they expected to be paid by some source (not clear to me who was expected to make such payment)]

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Karin Olsson
(Sweden second-largest tabloid)

"Assange is a "dodgy hacker" whom most Swedes view as "a paranoid chauvinist pig"."

[comment:  yaaaawn ... Did the Sweden government issue a press directive or something, seeing these tabloid hacks are echoing the same garbage?]

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However, legal experts are not convinced by allegations of the Sweden authorities:

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Ove Bring
professor emeritus
of international law

Sweden prosecutor is without sufficient evidence to charge Assange with a crime

[ LINK Archive: ]

Professor Ove Bring also refers to Sweden's reluctance to make an 'exception' of Assange by questioning Assange in London.

However, this is not supported by evidence that has subsequently come to light.

Sweden has an established practice of questioning parties abroad & has questioned 44 persons in UK alone, whereas it has refused to likewise question Assange in Britain.

So Sweden HAS been making an EXCEPTION of Assange, by NOT interviewing ASSANGE in London, as it interviewed the other 44 persons in UK between 2010-2015.  

What is this, if not more evidence of POLITICAL PERSECUTION?

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We have subsequently learned Sweden declined to interview Assange in Britain for strategic reasons:  ie to prevent Assange being able to legally defend himself while they continue the political persecution offensive, and that this strategic legal manoeuvre that apparently disregards the principles of justice, has taken place with the full cooperation of the British and on advice of the British Crown Prosecution Service.

The British Crown Prosecution Service also explicitly stated that proposed extradition of Assange is not being treated in accordance with the established norm for all others, ie "as "just another extradition request.'

Once again:  political persecution of a journalist who exposed US and Western allied wrongdoings and crimes.

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Abovementioned Swedish politicians are NOT the first to attack and legally prejudice legal proceedings against Assange. 

Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt got straight into political interference in 2010  (here).  That's just off the top of my head.  I think there have been other prejudicial statements - eg:  

Cecilia Malmström
European Commissioner for Home Affairs
2012 Prejudicial Press Statement
{ USA link:  
US attorney-general Eric Holder, co-author article }
Meanwhile, the array of compliant Swedish journalists and intelligentsia that yap at the heels of Assange in Swedish media, smearing him in an effort to shape negative public opinion, do the dirty work of the corrupt state that is politically persecuting a courageous Australian journalist, on behalf of their powerful US ally.

The extent they go to smear and assault Assange would be laughable, were it not so serious a consequence for him.

Take Martin Aagård, Aftonbladet, referring to him as an 'Australian pig' and thereby not only assaulting Assange, who is a target of US-Anglo led political persecution, executed by the state of Sweden, but it is also insulting all Australian nationals.

Members of the Swedish mainstream press and their mainstream Swedish media publications sound like a bunch of pitchfork waving mentally challenged hicks.  But, of course, they're not:  they're just butt-kissing presstitute journalists doing the dirty work of the state, probably because they pretty much share the same elite patrons as the politicians that comprise 'the state'.

Note also that this is the same Swedish press that ignores and helps cover up rape, gang-rape and mob rape of Swedish women by third world arrivals, that the Swedish and European politicians have imposed on Swedes and Europeans for decades now, in support of the agendas of their respective economic and power elites, on whose behalf the West has been (and continues to be) engaged in decades-long serial covert and open military interventions, in the Middle East and in Africa (although these interventions cannot fully explain the suicidal policies such politicians have pursued and imposed on Europeans).

And it is the same press that is covering up murder of a teenager:

Sweden Media Misrepresents Murder of Teenager in Swedish School
European Media Remains Silent

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