Neue Wirren im Fall Assange
Weil der schwedischen Staatsanwältin die Zeit davonläuft, möchte
sie den WikiLeaks-Gründer nun doch in der ecuadorianischen Botschaft
in London verhören.
New turmoil in the Assange case
Because time is running out, the Swedish prosecutor now wants to interrogate WikiLeaks founder at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London
Sven-Erik Alhem
born April 5, 1942, Malmö
- former chief prosecutor
- social commentator in Malmö and on Visingsö
Issues: incl. human rights, hate crimes, environmental & health & safety violations, various issues relating to traffic, wildlife protection (esp. wolf).
Ahead of the 2006 parliamentary election
ran for Liberal Party
Not elected
- Columnist in Jönköpings-Posten and Jusek magazine
- Weblog via newspaper Expressen
- expert commentator on television around the law
Published book: with lawyer & wife Justitia (2008)
Chair of the Association for Victim Support, from 2009
HQ Stockholm.
Sven-Erik Alhem
Sven-Erik Alhem former Chief Prosecutor Sweden critical of Swedish Prosecutor Marianne Ny failure to act
Bing Trans:
"Late justice is sometimes even no justice," legal expert Alhem says. Evidence loses power over time, victims want the thing behind.
Google Trans:
"This is all very strange, is Sven-Erik Alhem, head of the Swedish victims auxiliary Bunds and earlier prosecutor. Strange mainly because Assange talking yes avowedly wish. "I can not understand why it has not now long since taken place," says Alhem. He criticized Marianne Ny for the hesitation. A survey in London was as a basis still better than no survey." []
Stefan Wahlberg
Rechtsexperte Stefan Wahlberg sagt, es sei Assanges gutes Recht, zu bleiben, wo er ist. «Er ist nicht verpflichtet, die Ermittlungen gegen ihn zu unterstützen», so der Chefredaktor der schwedischen Fachzeitung «Dagens Juridik». []
Legal expert Stefan Wahlberg says it is Assange's every right to stay where he is. "He is not obliged to cooperate with the investigation against him," says the chief editor of the Swedish trade journal "Dagens Juridik». []
Niklas Richter Wågnert
[otherwise referred to as: Niklas Wågnert]
Niklas Wågnert = Stockholm Court of Appeal (Judge)
November 2014
Stockholm Court of Appeal
Decision: not to lift the arrest warrant for Assange
[Supreme Court of Appeal] has asked the prosecutors to look for new solutions. With new situation Assange could challenge the warrant again, says Niklas Richter Wågnert, who was involved in the decision. []
"A new situation may mean that something new has happened in this case, but also that nothing has happened." In the spring, the Supreme Court of Sweden has also confirmed the arrest of Assange. He has asked to comment on the conduct of investigations Marianne Ny. At that time, she decided to appear to travel to London. []
Other source (translation):
Niklas Wågnert, the Stockholm Court of Appeal judge who heard Assange case in November, said the guard of permanent failure interview with the Australian be in London "new circumstances" in the case that would enable it to launch Assange, a complaint about the Swedish [Courts]. If Assange found himself in front of an outstanding payment, he added, it could be a factor for judges to weigh, when the case came to trial.
"The time has passed and nothing has happened - it would be up to the courts to decide whether [a diplomatic dispute between Sweden and Ecuador] would be a good explanation enough for the prosecutor's office does not make progress," he said.
Cecilia Riddselius
Swedish Ministry of Justice
is responsible for international legal cooperation
Role: Deputy Director at the Swedish Ministry of Justice
Stockholm, Sweden
German language article caught my attention because Sven-Erik Alhem, former Chief Prosecutor, Sweden (& victims' support advocate, by look of things), is critical of Sweden Prosecutor Marianne Ny.
Ny has stalled the curious case of the revived Swedish 'investigation' pertaining to what one might call 'alleged allegations' involving Assange, by failing to even question Assange for almost 5 years now.
I say 'alleged' allegations because such 'allegations' were not recorded according to proper police procedure (nor were the alleged complainants interviewed in accordance with proper police procedure), the police database was tampered with, the alleged 'victims' have behaved and made social media statements in a manner which contradicts police claims [see: Assange Affidavit]
Wondering if Judge Niklas Wågnert (Stockholm Court of Appeal) might be trying to pass the buck by palming off Sweden's failure to act in a timely manner (for almost 5 years) as being the result of a 'diplomatic dispute' with Ecuador, or if it just reads that way because it's a poor translation of a comment as to the latest Sweden prosecution blunders regarding interview arrangements in London?
It also looks like Sweden could be subject to complaint by Assange should Sweden try the 'new circumstances' angle, which presumably means, should Sweden attempt some legal manoeuvre on the basis of 'new circumstances', after dragging this out for years. But hard to say; translation's not that great. Reading some mangled extract, I'm wondering why I bothered grabbing that. LOL
Anyway, they're some of the Swedish players and that's the latest, I guess.
*Fingers crossed that I have all the links right. LOL