Fria Tider (Sweden)
Löfven: Ten billion spent on jobs for immigrants
Published May 1, 2016 at 19:18
By Mattias Albinsson
Policy. The government will spend ten billion tax money to create jobs for the immigrants who come to Sweden last year, it announced Prime Minister Stefan Löfven today.
Löfven held a press conference before his May Day speech at Götaplatsen in Gothenburg where it was a major focus on asylum chaos and the "challenges" that it entails for Sweden.
- The challenges have grown with the large number of asylum seekers came to Sweden last year, said Löfven but continued:
- It is at the same time so that we handle this right, we have a great opportunity for Sweden. [Comment: Yeah, great 'opportunity' if Swedes intend suicide. ]
The leaves then proceeded to argue about immigrants that "many of them have higher education" and that society must speed up the validation of their educations. [Comment: Lofven is full of crap. Just look at the 55 no-go zone Swedish suburbs, the lying c*nt.]
- Chefs, professional drivers, doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, dispensers, teachers, preschool teachers, painters, butchers, butcher, distribution, electricians, electrical engineers, construction engineers, building engineers, building engineers, managers in the construction sector and entrepreneurs, said Löfven when he rattled off the skills according to him, arrived in Sweden thanks to asylum immigration.
Despite the expertise rain and the "great opportunity" for asylum immigrants bring to Sweden, the government is forced to spend billions on creating tax-funded welfare jobs.
- It will take more menial jobs on the Swedish labor market, said Löfven.
- Therefore, the government is investing ten billion new welfare so that local governments face additional services for welfare.
Immigrants should, according to Löfven, including work with Sweden's cultural heritage, working with the digitization of documents in public administration and taking care of elderly and sick. [Comment: Got to be kidding. God help Sweden's elderly & sick. This is criminal. Nobody who has the least regard for their own kind would do this.]
In total, 5.000 billion creating so-called "job readiness" where the salary should be comparable to that of other workers in the public sector.
- Of course it should be under collective agreements wage, stressed Löfven several times.