Illegitimate Transfer of Inalienable European Rights via Convention(s) & Supranational Bodies
Establishment of Sovereignty-Usurping Supranational Body Dictatorships
Enduring Program of DEMOGRAPHICS WAR on Europeans
Enduring Program of PSYCHOLOGICAL WAR on Europeans
Enduring Program of European Displacement, Dismemberment, Dispossession, & Dissolution
No wars or conditions abroad (& no domestic or global economic pretexts) justify government policy facilitating the invasion of ancestral European homelands, the rape of European women, the destruction of European societies, & the genocide of Europeans.
[LINK | Article]

*U.S. OLIGARCHY WAGES HYBRID WAR* | U.S. Empire's Casino Unsustainable | Destabilised U.S. Monetary & Financial System | U.S. Defaults Twice A Year | Causes for Global Financial Crisis of 2008 Remain | Financial Pyramids Composed of Derivatives & National Debt Are Growing | *U.S. OLIGARCHY WAGES HYBRID WAR* | U.S. Empire's Casino Unsustainable | Destabilised U.S. Monetary & Financial System | U.S. Defaults Twice A Year | Causes for Global Financial Crisis of 2008 Remain | Financial Pyramids Composed of Derivatives & National Debt Are Growing | *U.S. OLIGARCHY WAGES HYBRID WAR*

Who's preaching world democracy, democracy, democracy? —Who wants to make free people free?
[info from Craig Murray video appearance, follows]  US-Anglo Alliance DELIBERATELY STOKING ANTI-RUSSIAN FEELING & RAMPING UP TENSION BETWEEN EASTERN EUROPE & RUSSIA.  British military/government feeding media PROPAGANDA.  Media choosing to PUBLISH government PROPAGANDA.  US naval aggression against Russia:  Baltic Sea — US naval aggression against China:  South China Sea.  Continued NATO pressure on Russia:  US missile systems moving into Eastern Europe.     [info from John Pilger interview follows]  War Hawk:  Hillary Clinton — embodiment of seamless aggressive American imperialist post-WWII system.  USA in frenzy of preparation for a conflict.  Greatest US-led build-up of forces since WWII gathered in Eastern Europe and in Baltic states.  US expansion & military preparation HAS NOT BEEN REPORTED IN THE WEST.  Since US paid for & controlled US coup, UKRAINE has become an American preserve and CIA Theme Park, on Russia's borderland, through which Germans invaded in the 1940s, costing 27 million Russian lives.  Imagine equivalent occurring on US borders in Canada or Mexico.  US military preparations against RUSSIA and against CHINA have NOT been reported by MEDIA.  US has sent guided missile ships to diputed zone in South China Sea.  DANGER OF US PRE-EMPTIVE NUCLEAR STRIKES.  China is on HIGH NUCLEAR ALERT.  US spy plane intercepted by Chinese fighter jets.  Public is primed to accept so-called 'aggressive' moves by China, when these are in fact defensive moves:  US 400 major bases encircling China; Okinawa has 32 American military installations; Japan has 130 American military bases in all.  WARNING PENTAGON MILITARY THINKING DOMINATES WASHINGTON. ⟴  

January 29, 2017

Think Tanks | Policy Institutes - Paul Labarique Article, 2004

ministry of tokyo

Paul Labarique



The Manhattan Institute, Neoconservatives’s Lab

by Paul Labarique

Antony Fisher founded 90 institutes around the world with the purpose of disseminating libertarian ideas. One of them is the Manhattan Institute of New York, whose objective is to [comment:  word missing] taboos. The “neoconservative Revolution” promoted by the institution intended to eliminate the counterculture of the 60’s and feminism, but above all, to destroy social services and get African-Americans and poor people out of the big cities. The speeches on modern intolerance of African-Americans inadaptability, the “zero tolerance” on improper social behavior and “compassion-based-faith” were written by members of the Manhattan Institute. Republican politicians of the Eastern coast like Rudolf Giuliani were also the Institute’s creation.

Voltaire Network | 15 September 2004

British multimillionaire Antony Fisher, born in 1915, was one of the most influential actors in the rise of libertarian think tanks (a usually political center of research, propaganda and spreading of ideas) during the second half of the XX century. Fond reader of Friedrich von Hayek [1] since 1945, he met him that year and the economist convinced him of the need to create a think tank network to support the project on society’s changes. Thanks to his huge fortune and the network he had created in Mont Pelerin, Fisher worked on this. In 1955, along with Ralph Harris, he founded the Institute of Economic Affairs in London.

In 1977, and with the help of the eminent American lawyer William Casey, who would become later CIA director [2], he founded the International Center for Economic Policy Studies (ICEPS) in New York. According to Loic Wacquant, both men wanted the Institute «to apply the principles of the market economy to social problems» [3]. At the same time, Sir. Antony Fisher opened an institution to advise and finance the libertarians of the world so that they could found similar think tanks in their own countries. The International Institute for Research engendered the Atlas Economic Research Foundation in 1980 and the International Policy Network in 2001. In about 30 years, Fisher founded 90 research centers in 39 countries

William Casey

ICEPS’s [comment:  International Center for Economic Policy Studies (New York)] board of directors included Lewl Lehrman [4], Irving Bristol [5], Ed Feulner [6] and William Casey.

Under the influence of Charles H. Brunie [7] and William Hammet, who would become President of this think tank at the beginning of the 1980s, the ICEPS changed its name and its purpose. By becoming the Manhattan Institute, its main target was the intellectual elites of New York who had to be convinced of the goodness of Reagan’s policies.

Indeed, America was working on the future “conservative revolution” while democratic President Jimmy Carter was living his final hours at the White House. Neoconservatives under Ronald Reagan [8] and George H. W. Bush, who were about to substitute him, were trying to develop an ideological arsenal to legitimate the desired destruction of the welfare state. The Manhattan Institute’s role was to officially provide this liberal-conservative ideology which was based on curious mixture of pseudo economic and sociological anticipations, as was reflected in one of the first works published by the Institute signed by George Gilder.

This former Henry Kissinger’s student at Harvard wrote several speeches for well-known political republican personalities such as Nelson Rockefeller, George Romney and Richard Nixon. In the 1970s he suddenly drew his attention to the causes of poverty and richness in the U.S. Then, in 1972, he published Sexual Suicide where he explained that women’s liberation would lead to the end of the human race. According to him, unmarried men were essentially unstructured and those who did not follow a “traditional” sexual practice were deviant.

[comment:  a number of post-WWII (i) social changes & (ii) factors particular to (and heavily promoted in) the capitalist West (eg women driven into the workforce); the capitalist attack on a number of European social traditions and norms; the promotion of the 'feminist' ad-man mythical female supremacy 'carrot', over the span of vital decades during which European birthrates dwindled; and the wide availability of contraception and abortion (along with 'no fault' divorce and the assault on the the European male (commonly referred to as the 'white man'), via the 'feminist' (and other) ideological deconstruction & indoctrination vehicle (among numerous other associated factors), have all led to the DEADLY DECLINE in EUROPEAN BIRTHRATES - so much so that indigenous GERMANY has been in a demographic DEATH SPIRAL *for decades*.  The European demographic in United States is set to become a MINORITY in their own homeland in the near future; Canada is likewise replacing their European population with mass immigration from third world regions, and this is a program that has been in effect in ALL European established (Western) capitalist nations, on the basis that this is advantageous for the ECONOMY and is promoted as  (a) 'diversity' and (b) aliens economically intended to support what is held out as the DYING OUT EUROPEANS, who apparently failed to reproduce in sufficient numbers (while 'having it all'):  and thus, having subsequently failed to meet the DEMANDS of the GLOBAL ECONOMY and its economists, the Europeans, will disappear from the nations that their forefathers founded because the economists and the powers that be consider the GLOBAL ECONOMY and ECONOMIC GROWTH (rather than securing a nation for an indigenous or founding people of a nation) of paramount importance in a capitalist system, where the PEOPLE ARE INTERCHANGEABLE and the nation is consigned to history.  Therefore, these conservative think tanks had some point in terms of the commentary on what is sold as 'feminism', whatever their motives were originally. ]

In Visible Man, published in 1978, Gilder affirmed that there was no racism in the American society, that it was a “post-racist” society and the worst enemy an African-American could have was himself due to his way of living, his dispersed family and his «ghetto image». This rhetoric supported his allegation on federal subsidies as a tool for perpetuating a society in which African-American “lived a lost life while waiting for the governmental green checks” [9].

This was the type of discourse the Manhattan Institute was trying to promote. So, in 1981 George Gilder was given a scholarship at the Smith Richardson Foundation [10] through the Manhattan Institute to write Wealth and Poverty where he explained his extreme right-wing theories. Based on what he said, the cause of American misery could be found in «the family anarchy of the poor living in the inner city» which was favored by the social assistance whose only effects were «undermining the working desires, the patriarchal family and the religious fervor which were the three reins of prosperity» [11].

Thanks to the support of the Manhattan Institute, the extremely liberal press did welcome the book and even The Economist wrote an article titled “Blessed those who make money”. Quickly, the book became a best-seller, although its main achievement was that it became Ronald Reagan’s most important book. According to study made on his speeches, George Gilder was the former American President’s most quoted alive author.

George Gilder

The Manhattan Institute repeated the experience the following year. While Ronald Reagan was successfully implementing its extremely liberal conservative revolution, the think tank where George Gilder was hosting a seminar, was looking for a new promoter of its racial-economic theories. It chose an unknown university student named Charles Murray who had sent one of his articles to Irving Kristoll. Kristoll, interested in the demagogic style of the text, contacted Michael Joyce, President of Olin Foundation, and tried to raise funds to transform the article into a book. William Hammet, who had become President of the Manhattan Institute, agreed to hire Murray.

According to an internal memo written by him, «every generation produces a number of books with a lasting impact, books that change the basic ideas about the way the world function (or should function...). Charles Murray’s Losing Ground could be one of these books and in that case it would change the debate of what may be the most important political matter of our time: the modern welfare state» [12]. Consequently, the institute paid the author 30 000 dollars and two years to work in peace. Thus, in 1984 he published Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 1950-1980 which according to Loic Wacquant «appeared in the right moment to in a pseudoscientific way approve the strong cancellation of social commitments carried out by the Republican government (with the support of the democratic majority of the Congress)».

The explanation was simple: «the excessive generosity of the policies to assist the poor was to be blamed for the increase of poverty in the U.S. because they favored inactivity and the moral degeneration of popular classes, especially the “illegitimate” unions as the main cause of every social problem in modern societies, including ‘urban violence’» [13]. Despite a huge number of obvious nonsense and empirical mistakes pointed out by sociologist Christopher Jencks, economist Robert Greenstein and even Nobel Prize James Tobin [14], the media turned the pamphlet into a “classic” and made it the central issue on the debates about social assistance in the U.S. On its side, the Manhattan Institute made an enormous promotion of the book: William Hammet sent 700 copies to journalists, political and “university” personalities in America and hired an expert on public relations to turn the unknown Charles Murray into a “media-related phenomenon”. Its purpose was not selling the book but made it the core of every political debate. Months later, the Institute held a symposium on Losing Ground whose participants,whether they were journalists, public policies experts or social sciences specialists, received between 500 and 1500 dollars.

Charles Murray’s career had begun. In 1994 he published The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life, [15] an «authentic treatise on scientific racism (...) which affirmed that class and racial inequalities in the U.S. reflected the individual differences of ‘cognitive capacity’» [16]. He wrote that the intelligence quotient (IQ), genetically inherited, would be then the leading factor for social success, the capacity to maintain marriage, for properly educating children and being a good citizen: «the most intelligent children of every social class, including the poorest ones, quickly learned how the State functioned and were more capable of informing themselves and debating political matters than participating in them».

On the other hand, a low IQ increased the possibilities of committing a crime, and therefore, the possibility of being imprisoned. So, a person is not a criminal due to his deprivation but to his moral and mental depravation. This statement led to two conclusions: first, the reason why ethnic minorities were the majority of prisoners was due to their low IQs and not to the inequalities of the American society. Second, «the State had to stop intervening in social life by reducing ‘natural’ inequalities or it would make things even worse by perpetuating ‘the aberrations of the egalitarian ideal of the French Revolution’ because ‘Jacobites, or Leninists, egalitarian tyrannies were worst than non humanitarian because they were inhumane» [17].

Charles Murray

But this time, Charles Murray went too far and the Manhattan Institute refused to join the project, though this did not mean it was not interested in the debate. Then, Murray sought refuge in the American Enterprise Institute, with Irving Kristoll’s blessing. In 1994, some time after the publication of his book, the think tank hosted a dinner to honor Murray and his last work. When he was given the floor, he explained the 15 differences between African Americans and whites’ IQs and criticized the positive discrimination programs.

The Manhattan Institute then drew its attention to the “urban violence” issue by popularizing for the first time the “broken windows” questionable doctrine, formulated in 1982 by James Q. Wilson, the theorist of conservative criminology, and George Kelling in an article published by the Atlantic Monthly [18].

According to the authors, by fighting minor disorders (currently known as “incivilities”) great criminal pathologies were reduced. This thesis got the attention of New York’s attorney, Rudolf Giuliani who, as a result, attended a conference hosted by the Manhattan Institute by the mid 1990s. The main topic of the conference was “the sacred character of public spaces” as indispensable for public life for the “disorder” of poor classes was, by nature, a fertile terrain for “crime”.

The future mayor of New York, who has lost municipal elections to democrat African-American David Dinkins, found there the topics for his victorious campaign of 1993. The “zero tolerance” doctrine was born out of this thesis which affirmed that any misdemeanor had to be sanctioned; otherwise, the minor offender would become a criminal sooner or later. In real life, this doctrine was a relentless hunting of minor offenders and a policy to maintain beggars and homeless in poor neighborhoods, out of the big city. This program of Giuliani was welcomed by New York middle and upper classes, the true voters, and was quite published by City Journal, the new magazine of the Manhattan Institute. It was actually the program that gave Giuliani his victory.

However, “zero tolerance” meant giving up a fair proportion between the misdemeanor and the means to repress it. Therefore, the doctrine provoked a spiral of public violence that affected individual liberties. Once in power, Giuliani applied the elaborated ideological arsenal designed, in part, by the Manhattan Institute. He was assisted by William Bratton, the man in charge of the security of New York’s metro, later appointed chief of municipal police [19]. In five years only, New York Police’s budget was increased 40%, amounting to 2 600 million dollars. The city hired also 12 000 new policemen whereas social services lost a third of its budget and 8 000 employees. This spectacular deployment of resources to repress every infraction (such as the use of helicopters and several police cars to stop and fine a driver for a minor offense) left memories on people’ minds but kept the police away from real crimes.

The most amazing thing was that the result of this policy was less impressive than the arsenal it demanded. By comparing New York to San Diego which used only its “local police”, we could find out that «between 1993 and 1996, Californian metropolis showed a decrease in crimes similar to New York’s but with an increase of only 6% of its police force. The number of arrests dropped 15% in three years in San Diego whereas in New York it increased 24%, amounting 314 292 arrested people in 1996 (...) finally, the number of complaints against the police reduced 10% in the Pacific Coast whereas in Giuliani’s city» it increased 60%.  [comment:  without seeing how the statistics are categorised etc, there is no telling how the respective statistics were compiled.  It is worth noting that govt is good at hiding facts, by creative classification of stats - as is motivated to do so for both political and ideological reasons.]

This distrust of New York’s population, especially among African-American, against its own police revealed the existence of a “social war” atmosphere as a result of the “zero tolerance” doctrine. But these negative results did not prevent its followers from exporting the New York model to the whole world. Once William Bratton was fired by the Mayor of the city -it seemed that Bratton overshadowed Giuliani- he became a consultant of the Manhattan Institute and of several cities around the world.

During the 1990s, the authors of the Manhattan Institute continued developing their neo-conservative ideology based on ethnocentric and racial prejudices, especially on the superiority of the white Americans way of life. Their discourse was similar to those of numerous journalists and French experts of the time on the “unassimilation” of Islam and the “invasion” threat immigration represented. In the U.S., African-American and Latino populations have been the most attacked ones.   [comment:  the writer may have a left-wing take on the issues that arise from unique social and criminal problems pertaining to various non-European demographics, which ought to be dealt with in line with specific issues that attach to those populations, rather than authorities taking the approach that doing so is 'inequitable', per the leftist and 'progressive' viewpoint.  Whatever the fashionable ideology of the day, all things are not equal and should be dealt with according to logic - rather than (politicised & manipulated) emotion and the rush on preservation of mere ideas / prevailing ideology (in my opinion). ]

Abigail Thernstrom, member of the Manhattan Institute, coauthored with her husband, Harvard professor Stephan Thernstrom, America in Black and White: One Nation Indivisible [20], a book on the disastrous effects of positive discrimination. It was financed by the John M. Olin Foundation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Earhart Foundation and Carthage Foundation.

Another member of the Manhattan Institute, Tamar Jacoby, wrote about the futility of American integration in Someone Else’s House: America Unfulfilled Struggle for Integration, a book financed by the John M. Olin Foundation, the Joyce Foundation and the Smith Richardson Foundation. In 1993, Myron Magnet blamed in The Dream and Nightmare the counterculture of the 1960s for the creation of the urban underclass [21].

The Manhattan Institute financial sources are varied but funds usually come from even more reactionary hypothetically philanthropic organizations [22], mainly the Olin Foundation [23]. Its influence is quite notable in Washington where this think tank is an ideological guarantee and a mentor of ideas.

Thanks to its promoting abilities, the Manhattan Institute prepares the media and the public opinion for extremely liberal and socially retrograded thesis. The White House pays attention to its theories on social matters and George W. Bush asked John J. Diulio Jr. and Stephen Goldsmith, both members of the Manhattan Institute, to apply one of the ideas the Institute has defended for a long time, that is, the elimination of the commitments of the State on social work and their transfer to religious orders.

This doctrine was recently brought back by influential Myron Magnet of the Manhattan Institute, in a work titled What Makes Charity Work? A Century of Public and Private Philanthropy published in 2001. This book defended a system of social assistance based on charity and not on solidarity by saying that it would be more effective, cheaper and above all, more magnanimous. This was a “compassionate program” the Bush Administration quickly implemented when it took power and after the opening of a Faith Initiative Office [24] in the White House. By promoting the reduction of the State, the Manhattan Institute has shown the true image of libertarianism while justifying the elimination of the commitments of the State in social matters and its expansion of repression.  [comment:  social assistance provided by charity versus state responsibility is a stupid idea.  But maintaining a welfare state or a state welfare system is inherently a battle in (a) a capitalist system, in which power rests with capital; and class 'solidarity' is likely even more difficult to maintain in (b) a non-homogeneous state (a state with a diverse racial make-up), I would think, as a diverse demographic has diverse characteristics (and needs), instead of the bonds of similarity and of social 'solidarity' of a homogeneous class.   ]

Paul Labarique



ALL of the above general principles apply to capitalist-funded think tanks (or policy institutes), be it funded by wealthy, ostensibly 'philanthropic', individuals; funded by foundations or corporations; that are founded to promote and to echo 'progressive', socially Marxist, yet capitalist serving, pseudo 'left' ideology (eg. the many projects of billionaire George Soros and others like him).

More on think tanks here.
Very interesting article.  The list of source material relied on by the author is available at the link to the article.

January 04, 2017



FAKE NEWS PROPAGANDA EXPOSED - The Guardian - FAKE NEWS Manufacture - Assault on Truth-Telling Aussie Journalist, Assange





re video content
[For quotation purposes, review audio/video]


The Guardian caught with its Fake News pants down

> engaged in contemptible attempt to DISCREDIT  brave truth-teller, award-winning Aussie journalist and publisher, JULIAN ASSANGE


Mark Crispin Miller
prof. Media Studies - NYU

teaches students to think critically about the media

The Guardian
flagship outlet of 'liberal' media, Britain & USA
ran piece highlighting two bald-faced lies:

That Julian Assange:

1. praised Trump, expressed optimism re Trump presidency

2. described Russia as marketplace of ideas with tremendous amount of free expression

THE GUARDIAN CLAIMS BORE NO RELATION to interview that THE GUARDIAN was purporting to paraphrase
interview - Assange with Italian journalist, STEFANIA MAURIZI

STEFANIA MAURIZI tweeted / outraged
>  message was almost completely ignored

meanwhile, THE GUARDIAN article, has been tweeted & reprinted

& basically heralded the world over

*hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting members of the public THE WORLD OVER now have picked up the PROPAGANDA from THE GUARDIAN

& are convinced that Assange said these things, which were calculated to defame Assange, according to Prof. Mark Crispin Miller

> so as to discredit truth-telling Aussie journalist, JULIAN ASSANGE

LATEST PROPAGANDA salvo to demonise Assange & to punish him for his truth-telling

RT reporter:  We are hearing term 'fake news' is this to help us distinguish or other reasons?

Mark Crispin Miller
prof. Media Studies - NYU

'Fake News' is a serious problem
> not b/c there is fringe outlets that post falsehoods

Fake News is a problem b/c the CORPORATE PRESS itself pumps out so much of it [ie. WESTERN CORPORATE PRESS/MEDIA FAKE NEWS]

these claims in THE GUARDIAN are just one example of FAKE NEWS that has been propagated as  truth

Mark Crispin Miller
prof. Media Studies - NYU
>  cannot begin to even catalogue all the nuggets of FAKE NEWS that have been used to keep the war in Syria going

RT reporter:

STEFANIA MAURIZI, who did interview with Assange, has protested that THE GUARDIAN deliberately distorted her interview with Assange
>  like you said, it was a bald-faced LIE

BUT why has the press chosen to IGNORE this Italian journalist's protest, even as they re-tweet the false claims in THE GUARDIAN?

Mark Crispin Miller
prof. Media Studies - NYU

Why would they pay attention to her attempt to set the record straight, since what we're talking about here is clearly a DELIBERATE PROPAGANDA EFFORT to DEFAME JULIAN ASSANGE and with no concern for accuracy, truth or any of that old fashioned stuff.

Why would they mention the actual objections of the journalist that did the interview with him:  it would defeat the whole purpose of this FAKE NEWS EFFORT TO ATTACK ASSANGE and to add to the long list of attacks on him, over the last few years.

[excuse typos ... cannot concentrate]




November 27, 2016

American Capitalist Oligarchy's War on Yemen



25 November 2016

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Sec State - 2009-2013

DISPLACED:  3.15 million persons internally in YEMEN

USG provided most bombs & is involved in conduct of war in Yemen

strategic value:  Yemen controls choke point to Red Sea + Suez canal
(world 11% petroleum shipments daily)

Yemen access to ARABIAN SEA
another 20% of world's petroleum shipments
from:  Strait of Hormuz
incl. oil of SAUDI ARABIA and IRAN

(bordering countries:  Saudi Arabia & Oman)

SAUDI ARABIA attempts to control a port in YEMEN
as means of avoiding potential of IRAN being capable of restricting oil shipments
in future along STRAIT OF HORMUZ
(or by countries that can control SAUDI ARABIA oil shipments along Red Sea)

YEMEN FILES - show documentary EVIDENCE of:
USA:  arming, training & funding Yemen - years ahead of war
USA sold:
*US biometric systems

2015 - US closed its embassy  / continuing unrest between different factions

war broke out in Yemen within a month

25 November 2016

YEMEN FILES - 2009-2015
WikiLeasks release docs:  US embassy in Sana’a, Yemen
cover Hillary Rodham Clinton & John Kerry (2 years) - terms as as US Sec. of State

2010 - Aug. Defence Dept. presentation
lays out a detailed plan for equipping the Yemeni government with arms
> by:
> + other “security assistance programs”

RISK:   mounting costs for the US (ie already burdened US taxpayer)

NOTE:  increasing expenses on the training, maintenance and upgrades required to use them
follows:   initial US taxpayer funded non-refundable $147-MILLION 'donation' outlay for weapons to Yemen


Yemen “a stable state where violent extremists cannot operate”
   + “to limit the regional impacts of terrorism, trafficking and piracy”
COMMENT:  in my view this is really about gaining and maintaining power/ DOMINANCE:
ie. Prevent internal and external armed & other opposition to US oligarchy & allied interests (Saudi, Gulf Arab, Israeli, British & EU) in the region and internally in Yemen

ESTIMATED COST of US military supplies to Yemen:  $147 million

RISK:  arms could potentially be used “for other purposes counter to US interests”  eg.

1.  against Houthi rebels in northern Yemen
2.  against secessionists in south of Yemen

YEMEN ECONOMY is in such poor stated, US govt funds are:  NON-REPAYABLE LOANS
& ordinary US taxpayers are therefore the wage-slaves that are lumbered with the costs of this arms funding - while the arms manufacturing oligarchs profit, and the oil industry oligarchs profit from this taxpayer-funded investment
US taxpayer enslavement pays for this, however long it takes, in an America that is TRILLIONS in debt to private bankers
Meanwhile, Yemen, with a really poor economy is being flooded with weapons instead of the US using some of those same resources in helping Yemen increase agricultural and other production, as needed to improve living contentions in the country.

Almost all money spent 'helping' is spent on arming the Yemen military
GIVEN by USA in non-repayable loans from US government funds (ie. US taxpayer resources)

2002 to 2008:  US gave the Yemeni government over $105m worth of weapons
  • via  non-repayable grants and donations

program: International Military Education and Training (IMET)
sends 20-25 Yemeni military students to various military schools in the US
funded to the tune of about $1 million p.a.
>  very effective return on investment “for advancing US diplomatic or policy goals


Blogger Back End

Planet Tokyo

Blogger's changed its back end / publishing control end layout.

Find it a little unnerving.

Not really into changes.

If something works, why f*ck with it?

Now there's awkwardness and adjustment to make + plus wondering if there are any pitfalls in the new layout, that I'm not aware of.

Why can't ppl just let things be?

Think I prefer everything how it was.

Post title has now been shortened, so you can see less of it.

The 'posting as' feature is now prominent ... but I don't post as anybody else, so it's (a) shortened my post title and (b) it's distracting me, because I can see the icon from my peripheral vision.

Not sure what else has changed.

Put it back, please. LOL

CIA Propaganda Operations: Washington Post Anti-Russia 'Hacker' Propaganda

ministry of tokyo


—Yasha Levine



So much effort has been thrown at implicating the Russians in some way and none of the evidence has stuck  ...

The paper offered no evidence to back up its shocking claims, but relied on secret claims made by a shady anonymous group called PropOrNot, which compiled a blacklist of American news outlets it considers to be Russian agents engaging in treason.

PropOrNot's story is already unraveling. The group admitted to lying about its partnering organizations and refuses to disclose why its media blacklist of “Russian agents” contains some of the best journalists in recent history:

  • Robert Parry (who helped break the Iran-Contra scandal),
  • Robert Scheer (who helped expose CIA funding of student groups in the 1960s as editor at Ramparts) and
  • Yves Smith (the fearless founder of an invaluable and respected financial blog,

It’s shocking and disturbing that WaPo would smear respected journalists as traitors with no evidence.

It appears there's a chance that PropOrNot is connected to groups funded the Broadcasting Board of Governors, a CIA spinoff that manages the U.S. government's foreign propaganda division.

If true, that would make PropOrNot's activities illegal — in violation of a federal law that prohibits the BBG from intentionally influencing or swaying public opinion inside the United States.

Creating blacklists of American journalists, labelling them as traitors and then circulating this information to American newspapers would certainly fall into that category.

Maybe Russia has the means to “hack” America’s elections, but it's hard to talk about it without real evidence.

Sure, Russia’s been getting into the psyops game much more lately — with fake and biased news, comment trolls and Twitter bots. It’s cheap and effective, and good at exploiting people’s increasing lack trust in their country's institutions and political process.  [comment:  I disagree with this point - see below]

It’s cheap and effective, and good at exploiting people’s increasing lack trust in their country's institutions and political process.

But in reality it seems to have very little penetration of America's media landscape.

Let's face it: life is miserable and getting more miserable by the day for most Americans — and no one in power seems to care one way or another.

Americans don't need a Russian Twitter bot to undermine their trust in the Democratic Party.

And anyway, this kind of propaganda psyops isn't anything that the United States isn’t doing at this very moment against Russia on a much bigger level — just look at Tor, Internet Freedom and Radio Free Europe.

NSA and CIA and U.S. Naval intelligence and President Obama ...

No one has said a thing. They’re all moving with the transition as normal.
Whereas if it was really true, this info would not be coming from some anonymous outfit set up last week.

The U.S. would be gearing up for real war with Russia.


I believe the US-Ango-EU-NATO capitalist military, political and propaganda media agents are actually gearing up for indoctrinating the Western the public for war with Russia.  

But this is not war arising from to what amounts to anonymous - likely CIA-propaganda-machine connected - 'Russian hacking' allegations, made groundlessly throughout the Western capitalist oligarchy CIA-NATO-friendly propaganda media, in terms of cause.  Rather, the cause of 'Russian hacking', anti-Russian and anti Russian media propaganda,  is the Western capitalist plan for war with Russia.

It is because the capitalist oligarchy has targeted Russia for capitalist exploitation (the path to which is war), just as a predator targets, stalks and takes down prey - and that the Western capitalist propaganda arises out of that agenda and is effectively a 'stalking' of prey behaviour, designed to influence and control public opinion.

Look at the NATO bases inching towards Moscow; look at the long-range missiles trained on Russia by NATO; look at the CIA-coup in Ukraine and the US capitalist (EU-NATO) grip on former Soviet satellite states; look at the vicious sanctions placed on Russia and the US-Anglo-EU capitalist oligarchy attempt to destroy the Russian economy; look at the US-Anglo-EU oligarchy's aggression in Syria, Russia's ally and Middle Eastern base.   Look at the vicious anti-Putin and anti-Russia propaganda (see  an inappropriately vilified Putin, depicted as a demon, on the cover of The Economist, for example); see the incessant Western capitalist oligarchy media attack & that of their scoundrel hysteria and propaganda public spin-doctoring performances, politicians - eg. Boris Johnson (UK) and other Western capitalist oligarchy serving foreign ministers joining the propaganda performing chorus; and the constant lying stream of preposterous US-NATO capitalist oligarchy serving anti-Russia propaganda that streams from the Scandinavian and Baltic states - worst offenders, in my opinion:  Sweden and Lithuania.   ]

—Yasha Levine

UPDATE: Max Blumenthal debunked PropOrNot blacklist smears in Alternet. Mathew Ingram did the same in Fortune.


Enjoyed looking at this article.

The layout above isn't how it appears in the originally - and I've just lifted the bits I personally found of note.
Full article is at the links provided.

I would, however, disagree with the following statement:

Sure, Russia’s been getting into the psyops game much more lately — with fake and biased news, comment trolls and Twitter bots.

I find Russian news to be of a revelatory standard that is by far superior to Western capitalist controlled media.
The two Russian targets that are in the Western propaganda and 'regulation' (ie censorship) sights of US-Anglo-NATO capitalists and their CIA (& associated agency) propaganda, smear, delegitimisation and distrust-sowing ops efforts - eg. Russia's RT News and Sputnik Western capitalist smear targets - are actually excellent, factual and unbiased, in my opinion. 
Of course, standards between different Russian media outlets and private blogging enterprises (Russian or sympathetic to Russia ... or purporting to be 'Russian') - or simply media deliberately posing as 'Russian', but not necessarily Russian or from a Russophobic source  (eg.   from the disaffected, convicted, former 'Russian' oligarchs in exile and their brigade of sponsored intelligentsia 'trolls' etc) - would vary not only in terms of quality and standard, but also in terms of motivation and spin . 
As for Russian 'bots' - everyone that can see things from a non-indoctrinated and non Western capitalist oligarchy serving, or ideologically compliant, perspective, can expect to be harassed by Western capitalism's media, social media and capitalist-sponsored 'grass-roots' trolls and other proxies, screaming:  'Kremlin troll!' ... which is rather hilarious.

The propaganda, the indoctrination, the bias, the lies, with withholding of information, the spin-doctoring,  and the social media trolling (by the Western capitalist sponsored intelligentsia and virtually all of mainstream capitalist controlled media journalists, presenters, writers, plus the sports and entertainment industry (as well as CORPORATIONS and their representatives incessantly forcing ideology, propaganda and indoctrination on the unwary masses), is a 24/7 US-Anglo-EU-NATO capitalist oligarchy friendly propaganda operation that is at a disadvantage when foreign independent media reports as close to the truth as foreign independent media may do, without incurring Western capitalist censorship body penalties for being truthful.
Such are spun as something entirely different when the foreign media is targeted and then smeared in the Western capitalist controlled media, while bullied by Western capitalist media censorship bodies.  
Foreign media may not defend itself by publicly discussing 'charges' brought against it by these Western capitalist oligarchy censorship boards etc - eg. RT News.
Not also, that the Western capitalist oligarchy funds its own social media trolls, by way of a vast network of sponsored 'progressive' (and other) NGOs, pursuing, reinforcing, enforcing and echoing capitalist serving ideology in the media, in 'alternate' (also capitalist sponsored) 'controlled opposition' media  and in social media, as well as in the community. 
That is the suffocating extent of Western ideological, social and political propaganda, indoctrination and suppression activities, quietly deployed in the service of Western capitalist ruling oligarchy's interests and aim.

The 'free' West is not free at all:  a man cannot be free if the information that he is provided with to make sense of his world and his decisions is censored, distorted or falsified, as it is in the Western capitalist oligarchy controlled propaganda and indoctrination media machine that's closely aligned with government, government agencies such as CIA, along with the military and entertainment propaganda complexes.

Western capitalist society is entirely without substance:  what we see reflected as 'reality' or representation of our understood history, our daily news, our societies, our institutions, our politicians and our societal 'reality' is nothing but LIES.
For an idea of how much harassment foreign news is up against, here's an article on the British media censorship, and thus US-Anglo-NATO capitalist propaganda, body's harassment of RT News:

UK Media Regulator Again Threatens RT for “Bias”: This Time, Airing “Anti-Western Views”


[excuse any typos ... finding it hard to focus]

November 22, 2016

Twitter & Facebook Capitalist Oligarchy Stasi

ministry of tokyo



Twitter & Facebook Capitalist Oligarchy Stasi

Twitter Capitalist Oligarchy Stasi are conducting a mass purge of non-PC / non culturally Marxist — and alt-right — accounts of real public opinions, attitudes, perceptions, political expression etc., to create an artificial perception of public opinion on what is supposed to be a 'social media' platform, but is in reality nothing but an extension of the lying capitalist-controlled mainstream media and its capitalist-sponsored media and intelligentsia soapbox shills and capitalist-sponsored 'progressive' Soros activist-bots.

Facebook is likewise spinning crap about 'false' news stories and censoring the public on their probable CIA-Mossad spy site, while subjecting to the long-suffering public to piles and piles of nothing but ideological lies, propaganda and indoctrination, showcased on their sh*tty 'social media' surveillance and censorship, distortion-spinning, unreality-making, and public opinion manipulating, platform of more of the same capitalist-controlled, in league with capitalist agent government, shite.

FOX NEWS reports that actor James Woods has left Twitter:

“Since @Twitter is now in the #censorship business, I will no longer use its service for my constitutional right to free speech. #GoodbyeAll” he tweeted Friday.

Not providing a link because FOX NEWS is a disgraceful propaganda churner that cannot even report on this basic freedom of speech issue, without making it clear that FOX news is incapable of even conveying the most basic information WITHOUT BIAS and without capitalist oligarchy spin.

F*ck you, FOX NEWS.  F*ck you and your lying inverted commas crap, and your insertion of irrelevant detail smokescreen and promotion of what is clearly smokescreen crap.  
FOX NEWS is doing its best capitalist oligarchy attempt to create the impression that 'hate speech' is ideologically and otherwise (a) legitimate per se  (b) relevant to what is, in fact, a post-Trump election POLITICAL PURGE AND STASI CENSORSHIP of THE LYING, CAPITALIST-OWNED PROPAGANDA & FALSEHOODS, PUBLIC PERCEPTION & OPINION MANIPULATING PLATFORM, TWITTER.

F*ck you, again, FOX NEWS.

AND ... f*ck you Twitter & Facebook.