US plans to topple Syria’s Assad go back to 9/11: Analyst
Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:23PM
Washington’s plans to overthrow the Syrian government go back to the 9/11 attacks and recent revelations by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange should come as no surprise to anybody, says an American journalist.
Wayne Madsen, an author and investigative journalist, made the comments when asked about Assange’s remarks who said on Wednesday that the US had planned to topple the Syrian government long before 2011, the year that the brutal conflict broke out in the country.
What Assange has said is nothing new because “we know according to retired Gen. Wesley Clarke that, shortly after 9/11, he was shown in the Pentagon a list of countries that the US wanted to overthrow” their governments, Madsen told Press TV on Thursday.
The analyst noted that on the list, Syria came after Iraq and was followed by countries like Libya and Sudan.
In his new book, Assange points to a cable pertaining to US Ambassador William Roebuck, who served as the Political Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Damascus between 2004-2007, about plans for overthrowing the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad at the time.
This is “also no surprise because the successive US ambassadors to Syria have sought to undermine the Syrian government,” Madsen maintained.
He added that “It clearly is a demonstration that just because the United States maintains diplomatic relations with a country,” there is no guarantee that the US is not going to shy away from taking harsh measures against “the government it recognizes.”
This is an extreme version of democracy, Madsen argued, which was sought after not only by President Obama’s administrations, but also Republican government such as that of George Bush also attempted to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government.
The Syrian government has been in an all out war against various Takfiri groups, mainly the ISIL, since March 2011. According to reports, the United States and its regional allies - especially Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey – have been supporting the militants operating inside the country.
The conflict, according to the UN, has so far taken the lives of about 230,000 people. Millions of Syrians have also been displaced as a result of the conflict.
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So the US getting 'cosy' with Iran by way of the nukes deal and the Brits reopening an embassy in Iran can only mean one thing: stand by for an action replay of the 1953 CIA-MI6 coup in Iran?
That's almost a quarter of a million dead in Syria, according to the UN.
Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are bankrolling.
While the American government keeps a list of countries to destroy, Hollywood celebrity hypocrites front aid agencies and act as American war propaganda agents.
So, there you go Europe. The Americans planned this Middle Eastern and African mayhem well in advance; but, guess what?
It's European taxpayers and European societies that will be paying the price: the enormous material and social costs of refugee and other immigration - which is incalculable in future social terms.
While public welfare funding is being cut, welcome to increased military spending for the 'privilege' of NATO gangster Club Membership.
Being under US corporate empire's rule is like voluntarily becoming a taxpayer-funded mercenary (proxy) force for the US corporate empire (thus private interests of the enormously wealthy).
Subordinate state proxy forces are then usually also supplied to some extent by US manufacturers, enriching American military manufacturers and providing the means of destroying target nations, to pillage resources and entrap the target nations' populations in future debt servitude of the 'nation rebuilding' kind.
The 'nation rebuilding' profits to be received post destructive phase must make destroying nations so rewarding. Win-win.
All these subordinate states' resources are directed in aid of US and Western private corporate and banking masters' profits, while impoverishing generations of 'free' men among NATO member domestic populations.
Intergenerational debt slavery for the sheeple, but a what a deal for corporate American and allied corporate interests, so what's not to like ...
- a European colony that buys US arms & military equipment, enriching US military manufacturers;
- a colony that self-funds military actions on behalf of the US plutocratic empire (and its own player corporations); and
- a colony that takes on-board all consequences of the massive human costs of the American empire's aggression and insatiable capitalist expansion.
Ummmm, how stupid is Europe?
Transnational Security Elite,
Carving Up the World Using Your Tax Money
OCT8 Antiwar Mass Assembly (2011)
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