Congress applauds like crazy b/c Netanyahu is painting Iran as responsible for evil around the world. Dumb.
Ideology of Iran 'regime' deeply rooted in Islam / always enemy to America / Iran & Isis competing for crown of militant Islam
Both want to impose: first region & then entire world.
Just can't agree between themselves who will take that crown.
Mentions Islam medieval creed (?) or similar.
Do not share [values]
Intercontinental ballistic missiles & bombs scaremongering.
To defeat ISIS but let Iran get nuclear weapons is to win battle but lose war.
We can't let that happen. Congress applause.
Iran still refuses to come clean about military & nuclear program.
Iran caught TWICE operating secret nuke facilities. Uh-oh.
Facilities, that inspectors didn't even know existed.
Right now, Iran could be hiding nuke facilities we don't know about.
As IAEA inspection authority said 2013:
If no undeclared nuke facilities in Iran, it will be first time in 20 yrs it doesn't
Iran has proven time and again, that it cannot be trusted.
That is why the first major concession
= source of major concern.
Major concession: leaves Iran with a vast nuclear infrastructure
& relies on inspectors to prevent a break-out.
Major concession: creates a danger that Iran could get to the bomb by violating the deal.
Major concession creates a second, even greater, danger:
that Iran could get to bomb by keeping the deal.
Danger in concession: virtually all of Iran restrictions would automatically expire in about a decade.
Decade may seem a long time in political life, but it is the blink of an eye in the life of a nation.
We all have responsibility to consider what will happen when Iran's nuclear capabilities are virtually unrestricted.
When Iran's nuclear capabilities are unrestricted, Iran would have capacity to build a huge nuclear capacity: many nuke bombs
Iran supreme leader says Iran plans to have 190,000 centrifuges - 10x what Iran has today - enriching uranium.
With this massive capacity, Iran could make the fuel for an entire nuclear arsenal in a matter of weeks, once it decides.
John Kerry confirmed last week, Iran could legitimately possess massive centrifuge capacity when deal (restriction) expires.
Foremost sponsor of global terrorism could be weeks away from having enough enriched uranium for an entire arsenal nukes ..
Iran intercontinental ballistic missiles program is not part of the deal.
Iran refuses to even put on negotiation table.
Iran intercontinental ballistic missiles prog
= Iran has means to deliver nuke arsenal to far reaching corners world, incl US
Deal has 2 major concessions:
1) Leaving Iran w vast nuclear prog
2) Lifting restrictions on prog, in about a decade
Deal does not block Iran path to nuclear bomb; it paves Iran path to bomb.
So why would anyone make this deal?
>b/c hope Iran will change for better in coming years?
>or believe alternative to this deal is worse?
NETANYAHU disagrees.
Netanyahu does not believe Iran radical regime will change for better after this deal.
Regime in power for 36 yrs Voracious appetite for aggression grows with each passing year
Deal would only whet Iran appetite
Would Iran be less aggressive when sanctions are removed & its economy is stronger?
If Iran gobbling up 4 countries now, while under sanctions, how many more countries will Iran devour when sanctions lifted?
VIDEO – NETANYAHU Speech to Congress - [10:33]
Four countries ‘gobbled up’ reference:
1) Lebanon
2) Syria
3) Iraq
4) Yemen
*Golan Heights
Iran aim: 2nd choke point oil supply.
If sanctions lifted:
Would Iran fund less terrorism when it has mountains of cash with which to fund more terrorism?
Why should Iran's radical regime change for better, when can enjoy best of both worlds:
>aggression abroad
>prosperity at home
Iran's neighbours know Iran will become even more aggressive / more terrorism when its economy is unshackled & path to bomb.
Many of these neighbours say they will respond by racing to get nuclear weapons of their own.
Deal will change ME for worse.
Deal supposed to prevent nuclear proliferation, would instead spark a nuclear arms race in the most dangerous part of planet.
Deal would not be a farewell to arms; it would be a farewell to arms control & ME would be criss-crossed by nuke tripwires.
ME is a region where small skirmishes can trigger big wars.
Deal would turn it into nuclear tinderbox.
Deal with Iran deferring prob. down the road only creating sit'n where a much more dangerous Iran will have to be faced.
A Middle East littered with nuclear bombs
= potential nuclear nightmare.
Insist that restrictions will not be lifted as long as Iran continues its aggression in region & the world.
Before lifting restrictions, world should demand Iran do 3 things:
1. Stop aggression against neighbours in ME. ...
2. Stop supporting terrorism around the world.
3. Stop threatening to annihilate Israel, one & only Jewish state.
If world powers won't insist Iran change behaviour before deal is signed, at least insist Iran change before deal *expires*.
If Iran changes behaviour, restrictions would be lifted
If Iran does not change behaviour, restrictions should not be lifted.
If Iran wants to be treated like a normal country, let it act like a normal country.
[cue: standing applause]
Deal argument:
>no alternative to deal
>Iran nuclear knowhow cannot be erased
>prog so advanced & best is delay inevitable
Nuclear knowhow without nuclear INFRASTRUCTURE = no nuclear weapons can be made.
Iran's nuclear prog can be rolled back well beyond current proposal:
>insisting on better deal
>keeping up pressure
Keeping up pressure [would be effective b/c]:
very vulnerable regime, esp. given recent collapse in price of oil.
If Iran threatens to walk from table (this often happens in Persian bazaar), call their bluff.
They'll be back b/c need deal.
By maintaining pressure on Iran (& those who do business w Iran),
you have the power to make them need [deal] even more.
We've been told for over year that no deal is better than a bad deal.
This is a bad deal. Very bad deal.
Better off without.
NOW we are being told only alternative to this bad deal is war.
That's just not true. Alternative to deal:
= much better deal.
A better deal that does not leave Iran w a vast nuclear infrastructure in such a short break-out time.
Better deal
= keeping restrictions on Iran's nuclear program in place until Iran's aggression ends.
Better deal
= won't give Iran easy path to bomb.
No country has a greater stake than Israel in a good deal that peacefully removes this threat.
However difficult, second option would prevent nuclear-armed Iran, nuke armed ME & horrific consequences of both.
Capping off, better deal option:
= security of Israel
= security of Middle East
= peace of world, that we all desire
"My friends, standing up to Iran is not easy.
Standing up to dark & murderous regimes never is." NETANYAHU
With us today is holocaust survivor & Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel
[Seated w Sarah Netanyahu]
[ Elie Wiesel ]
Elie, your life & work inspired us to give meaning to the words: never again.
Wish could promise, Elie, that lessons of history been learned.
Urge leaders of world not to repeat mistakes of past.
>sacrifice future for the present
>ignoring aggression in hopes of gaining illusory peace
Netanyahu - days when Jewish ppl remain passive in face of genocidal enemies: those days are over.
We are no longer scattered among the nations powerless to defend ourselves.
We've restored our sovereignty & ancient home
NETANYAHU: Soldiers who defend our home have boundless courage.
NETANYAHU: For the first time in 100 generations, we, the Jewish ppl, can defend ourselves.
[Applause somewhat less enthusiastic on the 'we can defend ourselves' section of Netanyahu speech (it seems to me)]
As PM of Israel can promise you one more thing: even if Israel has to stand alone, Israel will stand.
[Enthusiastic Senate applause to: I know that America stands with Israel ... etc]
NETANYAHU: You stand with Israel b/c you know that the story of Israel is not only story of the Jewish ppl but of the human spirit that refuses again & again to succumb to history's horrors.
Facing me, overlooking this august chamber, is image of Moses.
Moses led our ppl from slavery to gates of promised land.
Before the ppl of Israel entered the land of Israel, Moses gave message that has steeled our resolve for 1,000s yrs
NETANYAHU: I leave you with [Moses] message today:
Be strong & resolute; neither fear no dread them.
NETANYAHU: May Israel & America always stand together, strong & resolute ... may god bless state of Israel & may god bless USA.
Lots of applause. NETANYAHU waving. Thanking. Prolonged applause. Walking chamber. Handshaking. Applause continues. Cuts out.