On Forthcoming Opinion Piece
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Above is hot off the press, or near enough. Guessing this 'opinion' piece is destined to be an anti-Assange propaganda piece of some kind. Notably, Assange has been denied a right of reply. In my opinion, the latest offering most probably amounts to a pre-arranged, 'trojan' press assault 'opinion' piece, much like those 'independent' NGO opinion pieces the propaganda churning Western press runs whenever they wish to especially smear official enemies. It shall be presented as a suitably emotive (and divisive) ... but delicately, 'gift-wrapped' appeal to dominant ideology and to 'justice,' one would guess. Aside from casting doubts and aspersions, the PR job will light up more of the same extraneous 'issues' debate that the public never seems to tire of. Most likely this will be a further attempt to divert attention to the official narrative (Hey, how dare Ecuador grant political asylum to a politically persecuted journalist!). Suspect that the aggressive British media campaign is a lead-up to some official assault on the rights of Assange. Somebody's got out what I suspect must be the go-to propaganda big guns in any scenario such as this. The Guardian 'opinion' piece writer is ... "Jessica Valenti is a columnist and staff writer for Guardian US. She is the author of four books on feminism, politics and culture, and founder of Feministing.com" Oh, dear. So the intended target is probably about to become the recipient of a double-barrelled public assault. Guessing there's a portrayal of 'female victimhood' - perhaps blended with 'courage' - that's championed by a feminist writer calling for 'justice', that's coming up for public consumption? I could be wrong, but I'm going to carry on with my predictions and see how I go at guessing the 'news'. Taking a wild guess, this 'opinion' piece is going to be the unseen power behind the 'female victim'-shield equivalent of holding up a vial of water at the United Nations Security Council (or, The Guardian readership court of public opinion), and declaring: Assange has weapons of mass destruction & we must act! ... or something like that. Yes, I can just see it now: for the sake of world security, democracy, freedom, justice, womanhood, God, and apple pie – we must invade the Ecuador embassy. The trojan (containing the potent 'female victim' championed by feminist payload) will be used by whoever has arranged this, to further the government agenda - ie the interests of the powers that Assange and WikiLeaks have challenged. Presumably the government agenda is shepherding public opinion in the direction of acceptance and approval of the politically motivated, 5 year de facto imprisonment of Julian Assange or, at least, distracting from the glaring evidence that this is a blatantly politically-motivated detention of a truth-telling journalist by a sociopathic, totalitarian government, that has shown nothing but contempt for democracy and the law. Whoever has arranged this coming media hatchet job will be manipulating public attention and opinion. It's worth considering that over the last 5 years the media has largely presented, and often repeated, the government narrative: while failing to address inconsistencies in that narrative. So it's not like the aggressive British media campaign is coming from a necessity to redress media imbalance. Nope. It's an aggressive campaign aimed at pulling the wool over the public's eyes, when the public just may be in danger of waking up to what the 5 years of no charge detention is really for and why there's been millions of pounds/euros/dollars spent on this Embassy siege. In wider terms, this isn't merely an assault on Assange: this is also an assault on justice (and a trial by media); it is an assault on international law (Assange has been granted political asylum); an assault on freedom of press; and an assault on civil liberties ... aided and abetted by corporate media hyenas. So, where Sweden has seen fit to avoid interviewing Assange regarding their flimsy 'allegations,' he is now to be tried by the media - without charge. Through sleight of hand and in the guise of acting in the interests of: 'female victimhood' and 'feminism,' the latest media performance piece is most likely aimed at smearing Assange and putting across an impression that seeks to 'validate' the government narrative, while potentially dividing public opinion and, with any luck, eroding public support. The divide and conquer method of dealing with political targets is probably as old as society itself. But it does smack of the manipulation, disinformation, and disruption style government-run 'social engineering' campaigns we've learned of more recently from the Snowden documents. The forthcoming PR job probably aims to shift or divert attention away from what has become apparent after 5 years of no charge detention amid Swedish long-term inaction to the point of Sweden failing to question Assange prior to the arrival of statute of limitation lapse: ie. the fact that the Swedish and British government narrative is unsound. British, Swedish, & US powers are practically joined at the hip in terms of political agenda, trade, military, and intelligence sharing. Thus they represent a close political and practical alliance within the broader US-Anglo coalition. And it is this very coalition's war crimes, wrongdoings, lawlessness, hypocrisy, and contempt for justice and democracy, that were exposed by Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. Julian Assange is the target of powers he has challenged. I don't believe for one moment that he has sexually assaulted anyone, irrespective of would-be claimants to the 'victim' title that the authorities line up PR 'advocates' for. The Anglo-American and Swedish coalition is capable of stooping to just about anything:
No amount of corporate press hyena 'opinion' presentations or plays on public emotion (seeking to sow misplaced sympathy, doubt, confusion etc), will ever fool anyone who looks at the facts. Meanwhile, the life of Julian Assange hangs in the balance, as Britain and Sweden grimly press for extradition that would will see a journalist who exposed US and allied war crimes delivered by war criminals to war criminals. So where is this 'pillar of democracy', the 'free press'? It is silent and in the service of powerful interests.
'Right of Reply' Denied
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Please Support Under Siege Ecuador embassy
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August 19, 2015
Assange is the Target of Powers he has Challenged
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