The following is a transcript of what I thought was a serious disclosure of suppression of information by German police and the media in Germany.
However, later in the video, Alex Benesch, who is interviewed from Germany, begins to talk absolute sh*t -- like he's having a moment of complete mental dissociation from reality -- sh*t that is so far-fetched and insane that I question whether this is:
(a) a piss-take; or
(b) a psy-op
I'm going with (b) for some kind of establishment BULLSH*T.
Disseminating this 'InfoWars' crap, is a loud-mouth Yank at the helm, a pom interviewer & a German 'political analyst' who sounds batshit crazy.
I'm going to guess that this is a CIA, GCHQ & BND joint effort psy-op, as it's the most plausible explanation for the nutcase video presentation that undermines the credibility of what it purports to draw attention to: police and media suppression of information in Germany.
Presume this is a production designed to discredit questioning the daily diet of corporate media distortion and propaganda.
Obviously, there is no elite conspiracy to import 'personality disorders' to traumatise the population (conditions that Benesch doesn't even name correctly), and this is absolute crap he's talking.
That this has gone to video on the internet, tells me InfoWars is a total fraud.
These d*ckheads ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Edit: still think the broadcasts include a good deal of nutty crap, but I'm probably a bit hasty concluding this as part of a psy-op. It could just be filling a 'genre' vacancy for commercial reasons. lol
[for quotation purposes, confirm audio]
Paul Watson
I've just posted an article over on Prison Planet Twitter, which you can check out.
Now, we've had these articles over the past 3 weeks.
The rape crisis that is now engulfing Germany as a result of this migrant influx is now really reaching epidemic proportions.
Police in Germany kept quiet a migrant raping a 13 year old girl so as not to 'legitimise critics of mass migration.'
And we're going to talk to Alex about this when we get him back on line, because he's there in Germany. He's talking to people in Germany about this situation, about how the media is covering it up, which relates to my top story on InfoWars.com, which is that the German broadcaster ZDF, which is like a true crime program that relates on one of Germany's top networks other there in Europe. They've basically had a case where a Muslim migrant who came over in the last 3 months raped a young girl -- who was a prime suspect in raping a young girl -- they decided against airing the story because they said it might offend Muslim migrants coming over to Germany and it might 'inflame tensions'.
Now this is not in isolation.
We've had numerous stories about this over the last few weeks.
Now we've got more.
And I've only just found out about this in the last hour or so.
So we've got this 13-year-old girl who was raped in a migrant camp in Germany.
The police sat on the story for 3 months because they said they did not want to 'legitimise critics of mass migration.'
No concern about the actual victim. No concern about the other women and children in those camps who are being preyed upon.
We are now seeing articles about them charging ten euros each to rape these women and children. They're being forced into prostitution.
Another case, in a town of Meyering[?], a Bavarian town there in Germany, where police are now telling parents, as a result of another rape, which occurred on September 11, just about ten or eleven days ago, the police are telling parents in that German town not to let their children go outside unaccompanied.
We also had the case in Pocking, another German town, where girls are being told not to wear shorts, or not to wear short skirts, because there's a migrant camp attached to that school, in its gymnasium, so now the head teacher wrote a letter to the parents, saying: we're not going to allow girls to wear shorts, we're not going to allow them to wear short skirts, because they could provoke attacks from these Muslim migrants, because they might offend these Muslim migrants and the media, and although this is being picked up on in, you know, local media, the major media networks in Germany are not broadcasting this, so it's unsurprising that in the polls which have come out in Germany suggest that upwards of 60% of Germans support this migrant invasion, which of course will be 800,000 migrants before the end of the year. Potentially millions after that.
Do we have Alex on the line yet?
We've got Alex. So you've heard me talk about that there, Alex.
Are Germans even aware that these rape cases are happening?
Is the media cover-up in Germany successful at this point?
Alex Benesch
Well, it used to be pretty successful, because you normally like have about 250,000 coming here per year, but now, of course, it's about up to 800,000.
Now everybody is talking about it -- everybody's talking about it.
And I've looked at a scientific study, and it's a mainline study -- and I'm sure there are similar studies on American immigration -- and the study says that 25% of migrants coming here are backwards, radicals, sometimes criminal, and if you do the numbers that makes four (4) million troublemakers in Germany, in a country with 80,000,000 (eighty million) people.
So, just to give you a comparison: Germany, right now, has 180,000 (one hundred and eighty thousand) active military personnel severely under-equipped; 250,000 (quarter million) cops. Of course, they don't work at the same time at any given hour. And then we have a couple of thousand (2,000) folks working in intelligence.
That's it.
How can they possibly manage 4,000,000 (four million) troublemakers in Germany, plus the quarter percentage of new migrants coming in that are troublemakers as well.
I understand. I've looked at the study and, of course, 25% (twenty-five percent) of migrants are over-achievers, you know, people who come from Vietnam, they outperform German students and they do really well; and another 25% (twenty-five percent) of migrants they do OK, they well; another 25% (twenty-five percent) gets by; but 25% (twenty-five percent) are real troublemakers.
They've created a problem that's way too big for the German state to handle, so what's going to solve this problem? Of course, Brussels. Of course, the European Union is creating this multi-national border guard force and they want these centres in countries of origin in North Africa and Syria, so people to to these places and then they're being assessed and then they're being brought here.
So this is a serious problem.
So if you can find studies like this on American immigration, or no matter where you come from, find these studies and do these numbers and see how many troublemakers you have that have no loyalty to your country.
Paul Watson
And that's the point, isn't it?
You know, they're bringing in so many. Obviously, you know, most of them eventually you would hope will integrate, will assimilate into society.
But with the sheer volume of people that are being brought into Germany right now, many of them by people smugglers, there are going to be huge problems for social cohesion, going forward over the next five (5), ten (10), twenty (20) years.
And now it's confirmed. I was saying 50% (fifty percent) -- I was merely going off of what the media was telling us, that 50% (fifty percent) were 'Syrian refugees.'
It now turns out we've got the numbers. Only one-fifth (20% / twenty percent) of these 'refugees' are actually Syrian. The rest are economic migrants fleeing to a higher standard of living, yet we've been browbeaten by politicians in Europe, [and] by the media, into supporting this on humanitarian grounds when it's based on a completely flimsy and inaccurate statistic that 50% (fifty percent) of these people coming in were actually Syrian. We now know that not to be the case.
But from your research, the bigger picture -- what is the EU and the politicians in Germany hoping to achieve by rolling out the red carpet for this migrant influx. What is the long-term agenda, geopolitically?
Alex Benesch
Well, every American listening now needs to understand that it's important to keep an eye on Europe because the global power balance is rapidly shifting and changing.
What the elite is doing in Europe right now is expanding the European Union into a Mediterranean super-union, that's kind of a super-empire that would match or surpass the other three (3) big empires in the world -- the United States, Russia and China.
So I think this Mediterranean empire is at the heart of this migration crisis.
The people in charge and the politicians above them, they are mixing populations through migration and they create a common history among the different nationalities.
Syrians have no idea about Germany. Germans has no idea about Syria. There is no common positive history between Germany and North Africa.
The only thing that comes to mind, if you're interested in history, the only thing that comes to mind is that dark chapter in modern history when General Rommel tried to conquer North Africa and then moved east towards Middle East and Syria, where he was stopped by the British and then the America on the other side and pushed him back.
So they're creating an artificial common history that wasn't there before, because you want to merge 43 (forty-three) completely different countries, you want to include Turkey, Syria, Israel and so on, into this Mediterranean union.
It's kind of a hyped up version of ancient Rome.
So in the last few years this Mediterranean union process has officially stalled. The Mediterranean union is supposed to only exist on paper. But the European union is real, and they're playing a long game here. Ten (10) years can make all the difference in the world.
Years ago, the bureaucrats were already shopping for this Mediterranean union. At that time, you still had Gaddafi in Libya and you had Mubarak in Egypt, and so on. So then the Arab Spring revolutions, they got rid of these old dictators and their families, paving the way for integration of North Africa, possibly Syria, into this Mediterranean super-empire.
So the flood of migrants right now comes from North Africa and Syria. See how that works?
And if realised, this Mediterranean empire could be a very close partner of the United States. There could be a merger in the very near future, in order to keep up with the empires of the east.
I mean, you've seen the Trans-Atlantic free trade agreement that's the building block of this European-American empire, but every American listening to this understand the following:
A Mediterranean empire would have more than twice the population of the United States.
The combined military force would be enormous; maybe even surpassing the American military force.
Paul Watson
For now we're going to talk to ...
Hillary 4 Prison 2016 T-Shirts popular. lol
end transcription at: 11:49
Paul Watson
We're talking to geopolitical analyst and author, Alexander Benesch, who is over there in Germany tracking the migrant crisis.
Just before the last segment, we dipped into the fact that they're using this crisis, that they've created in the first place, to centralise power into fewer hands.
Now we've had a union for the Mediterranean which was this concept proposed by EU leaders and Bilderbergers, back in 2008-2009, to aborb these North African countries and these Middle Eastern countries into this Mediterranean union, which would then be allied with the North American union, again, centralising power into fewer hands as these federal super-states, which are anti-democratic -- which is what the EU has built its whole platform, it's whole raison d'etre around -- into conglomerating into these huge power blocks that aren't representative, that aren't democratic.
Now they're exploiting the migrant crisis for that very purpose.
Now Alex, I read a quote from Javier Solana, who is the former NATO secretary general and a top Bilderberger, who is espousing this plan for a Mediterranean union involving all these different Middle Eastern and Northern African countries, to absorb them into the EU.
He said that it was necessary as a process to foster cultural unity.
So bearing in mind we just talked about the rape crisis that is now sweeping these migrant camps in Germany, why would we want cultural unity with a culture based on a barbarous religion, that is stuck in the 7th Century?
Why can't we maintain our culture separately?
We know that multiculturalism has been a complete failure, even Merkel herself admitted that a few years ago.
So why are they trying to fuse our cultures together, when it's been proven not to work?

Alex Benesch
Well, the most important answer to this question is this: the biggest and most important control mechanism for populations is personality disorders, whether it's paedophile -- which is often linked to antisocial [personality] disorder and narcissism -- or it's migrants that come from countries of origin where they're dominated by people with antisocial [personality] disorder, and these really nasty, nasty disorders.
So a single person could be a paedophile, could be a really bad migrant. Every single bad person can hurt any number of healthy people out there.
So if you have a certain percentage of people out there with heavy disorders and you think, OK, every dangerous single will keep a certain number of other healthy people busy or hurt these other people, then you can do the numbers in your head and you realise that every country -- according to the elites -- every country needs constant traumatisation to create new people with disorders.
So some of the migrants are being hurt by bad migrants and that gives them post traumatic stress and that keeps them busy for the rest of their lives and, let's not also forget, every second German -- every other German -- statistically, from the old baby boomer generation, has cancer, so Germany has one of the lowest growth rates.
We have like a 1.3 growth rate, which is actually a shrinking rate, so Germany is actually shrinking and the argument is that we need a flood of migrants every year for the next 35 years in order to prevent a collapse of population numbers, a collapse of the retirement system and so on.
So we're being flooded with traumatised people, people with antisocial [personality] disorder, narcissistic disorder and a mixture of disorders, to keep us all very busy, and everybody who got cancer, presumably from the shots they get, getting cancer is traumatic and it's not just traumatic for the person getting ill, it's traumatic for the whole family, so it's a system where you keep a population busy, so they have no time and energy to deal with the evil system that is above them.
So in Europe right now, we see the same kind of things going on that we see in the United States. Listen to this.
If you have a Jeb Bush president, right, if you have a Jeb Bush president, my prediction will be he will intensify a North American union process and he will intensify in an unprecedented way cooperation with Europe.
So America's military forces have been reduced, the banking crisis is still on, you have floods of illegal immigrants, and the argument will be, we need an American Union from Canada down to Colombia, in order to match the other empires in the world ...
-- cannot listen to more of this crap -- end at 21:21 --
welt.de article - Pocking, Germany
Girls being told not to wear shorts & short skirts
because there's a migrant camp attached to that school, in its gymnasium
English translation
Link | here
---------------------- ꕤ ----------------------
The above is a transcript of what I thought was a serious disclosure of suppression of information by German police and the media in Germany.
However, later in the video, Alex Benesch,
who is interviewed from Germany, begins to talk absolute sh*t -- like
he's having a moment of complete mental dissociation from reality --
sh*t that is so far-fetched and insane that I question whether this is:
(a) a piss-take; or
(b) a psy-op
I'm going with (b) for some kind of establishment BULLSH*T.
this 'InfoWars' crap, is a loud-mouth Yank at the helm, a pom
interviewer & a German 'political analyst' who sounds batshit crazy.
I'm going to guess
that this is a CIA, GCHQ & BND joint effort psy-op, as it's the most
plausible explanation for the nutcase video presentation that
undermines the credibility of what it purports to draw attention to:
namely, police and media suppression of information in Germany.
this is a production designed to discredit questioning the daily diet of corporate media distortion and propaganda.
there is no elite conspiracy to import 'personality disorders' to
traumatise the population (conditions that Benesch doesn't even name
correctly), and this is absolute crap he's talking.
That this has gone to video on the internet, tells me InfoWars is a total fraud.
These d*ckheads ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Edit: still think the broadcasts include a good deal of nutty crap,
but I'm probably a bit hasty concluding this as part of a psy-op. It
could just be filling a 'genre' vacancy for commercial reasons. lol
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