Sitting Ducks and British Censorship
Robert Spencer
Lord Elgin Hotel, Ottawa Canada
April 13, 2016
Talk on: Islamic motiviations for immigration
Robert Spencer & Pamella Geller
Robert Spencer
Criticised by Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan)
... Bhutto, a victim of assassination ... Hello?
Bruce Bawer said about his banning from Great Britain: "It should be a matter of national shame for Britain that when its government banned Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller from its shores, it was doing the bidding of the counter-counterjihadists of Hope Not Hate – who, despite their manifestly Stalinist methods and sympathies, are treated by U.K. authorities as reliable ideological gatekeepers, even as the truth-telling Spencers and Gellers are tagged as anathema." [wikipedia]
Extracts from: Wikipedia |
While watching the above video, I did a quick look-up of this guy.
I haven't taken in much about this guy, because I was so shocked that he is banned in Britain (along with Pamela Geller).
So where's this Western 'liberty' and esteemed culture of 'freedom' that these used car salesman, lying politicians invoke any time they aim to manipulate the plebs?
Barring territorial entry is some kind of joke, surely? Especially, when this is the same British government that has bent over backwards to release Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Neither of these speakers is Chilean dictator Pinochet, who ought to have been barred from Britain (rather than cosseted and relieved of facing consequences) ... but dictator Pinochet was given the red carpet treatment, while these speakers are blocked from entering Britain. So what's going on here?
Is this the stock standard policy these governments are going to rely upon whenever they encounter anybody they consider politically or otherwise 'inconvenient,' and how is this the right course of action by the public, whose rights of association, information and, really, political rights have been infringed upon by the SUPPRESSIVE BRITISH GOVERNMENT?
The British public is being infantalised by the nanny state that has no right to infringe upon the civil and political rights of Britons who may wish to hear Robert Spencer or Pamela Geller give a talk in person.
The onus is on the British government to keep order, if keeping 'order' is the justification used as basis upon which to bar entry to Spencer and Geller, thereby sacrificing (and violating) the civil rights and political rights of not only those that had planned to see Spencer & Geller, but the rights of all Britons who are subject to the dangerous political precedent that has been set.
And if the British government is unable to maintain order and must rely upon barring entry to Britain (and therefore continued infringement upon the rights of Britons as a matter of policy), then the British government immigration project has ALREADY exceeded the British government's police and security capabilities and has put the British public in peril.
This is an outrage.
The government that has banned Geller and Spencer is DENYING THE BRITISH PUBLIC:
- information freedom
- association freedom
- political freedom
along with subverting the ability of the British public to make decisions based on exercise of informed consent.
What the British government is doing is criminal.
The government is elected to REPRESENT the public, not DICTATE to the public what the public may or may not attend, or what the public may or may not hear etc.
What's the bet that these speakers were banned because the situation in Britain is so bad that the UK government is sh*tting itself either riots or terrorist attacks would ensue, or something like that?
On top of exposing everyone to the dangers of this capitalist mass-population-transfer & dispossession experiment over the decades, the filthy capitalist-serving politicians are trying to stifle discussion and public awareness of what is a criminal dispossession-by-immigration project.
So governments of Europeans are not only implementing dispossession policies, they're putting Europeans at risk and making Europeans sitting ducks.
It doesn't matter to these governments if some of the public gets popped off from time to time, while politicians continue implementing policies of dispossession and social dismemberment of European societies.
So ... Europeans are effectively being dispossessed, raped, and killed: pretty much by their own governments, who stifle any complaint or information about it.
That sounds insanely hilarious, but that's what it boils down to.
P.S. Read the US patents registry joke.
So where are the famous US Constitutional rights?
OMG! We're all f*cked.
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