as marked
European History
Early Zionism, Austro-Marxism, Nationalism
Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
former : Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
international Jewish NGO, based USA
f. 1913
B'nai B'rith = Heb. 'Children of the Covenant'
formerly: Söhne des Bundes (Sons of the Covenant)
'BUNDES' IS 'Federal' (or union?)
So it would make them the union or federation of sons?
However: 'Bündnis' is the following, which also includes 'covenant':
- alliance
- coalition
- covenant
- league
- entente
f. 1843 by Jewish immigrants from Germany
early activities, 1800s & 1900s: mutual aid, social service, philanthropy
- 1851 - Covenant Hall: 1st Jewish community centre USA
- 1875 - lodge established in Toronto
- 1875 - lodge established in Montreal
- 1882 - lodge established in Berlin
- 1887 - lodge established in Cairo
- 1888 - lodge established in Jerusalem
Jerusalem lodge 1888 established: 9 years prior to:
Theodor Herzl
First Zionist Congress Basel, Switzerland
1881 -- mass immigration of Eastern European Jews to USA
1903: meeting
B'nai B'rith Executive Committee Washington DC
& its President: Simon Wolf
/ re presentation of petition to Russian govt -- Kishinev riots
US govt attendees:
- Theodore Roosvelt, US President
- John Hay, US Secretary of State
Kishinev progrom / riots (Russia Empire, Bessarabia)
-- anti-Jewish riot
-- then capital of Bessarabia, Russian empire (now Moldova)
-- 2-day violent attack / 47-49 Jews killed / many injured
-- 700 houses destroyed / 600 stores pillaged
-- followed by subsequent political protest against Czar,
-- that turned to random attack on Jews
-- 19 Jews killed / 56 injured
-- 600 such riots swept over Russian Empire
-- followed October Manifesto of 1905
October Manifesto 1905
-- issued by Emperor Nichoals II
-- influence of Count Sergei Witte, Minister of Finance
-- as response to Russian Revolution 1905
-- following state-led industrialisation attempt
-- through foreign investment & imposition of tariffs
-- industrial devel. not accompanied by further political reform
-- expanding working class agitating
-- however, peasants still formed 80% of population
-- Emancipation of Serfs 1861
-- liberal reforms to abolish serfdom throughout Russian empire
-- 23 million people granted liberty
-- gained the full rights of free citizens, incl:
-- rights to marry without having obtaining consent
-- right to own property
-- right to own business
-- peasants could buy land from landlords
-- Georgia emancipation later: 1864
-- state-owned serfs on imperial land, emancipated later: 1866
Pre-Zionism 'Zionist' - Territorialist
Israel Zangwill
d. 1926
-- forefront of British cultural Zionism of 1800s
-- close associate of Zionist Theodor Herzel
-- territorial movement / territorialism
-- territorialism = Jewish political movement
-- calling for creation of Jewish territory
(not necessarily in Palestine or autonomous)
Israel Zangwill's play
The Melting Pot (1908)
in the wake of the Kishinev riot Jewish hero emigrates to America
Mordecai Manuel Noah
first Jew born in USA to reach US prominence
b. 1785 - d. 1851
- playwright, diplomat, journalist, utopian
- Portuguese Sephardic
- most important Jewish leader in NY in pre-Civil War period
-- 1811 appointed by President James Madison as consul at Riga
(part Imperial Russia) / declined
-- 1813 appointed Consul Kingdom of Tunis
-- rescued US citizens kept as slaves by Moroccans
-- 1815, removed from position
-- US Sec. State James Monroe: Mordecai Manuel Noah's religion an obstacle re exercise of consular function
-- reportedly outrage among Jews and non-Jews
-- Mordecai Manuel Noah protested & gained letters from:
- -- John Adams
- -- Thomas Jefferson
- -- James Madison
in support of separation of church and state & tolerance for Jews
Mordecai Manuel Noah
establishes newspapers in New York:
- The National Advocate
- The New York Enquirer (later merged into the New York Courier & Enquirer)
- The Evening Star
- The Sunday Times
1819 play produced: She Would be A Soldier
established Mordecai Manuel Noah
as first important Jewish American writer
Prior to development of modern Zionism:
tried to found Jewish refuge at:
Grand Island in the Niagara River
/ ie a town & island in New York USA (area 86.2 km square)
gained by British in North America part 1764 Treaty of Cessation
following: French & Indian War
1815 island purchased by New York State (with other small islands)
for: $1,000 annually + perpetuity of $500 (paid every June) - ongoing
-- intended settlement name: 'Ararat'
'Ararat' after Mount Ararat, biblical resting place of Noah's Ark
-- 1825 purchased land at $4.38 per acre to build refuge for Jews of all nations
-- it was the 50th year of US independence
-- believed that the American Indians were from Lost Tribes of Israel
-- had faith Jews to return to rebuild Judaea
-- & called on America to take lead in refuge for Jews Judaea
-- Island project failed, for reasons unclear
-- Mordecai Manuel Noah then set sights on settling Jews in Palestine
1827 to 1828
-- led NYC Tammany Hall political machine
-- writings alternatively for and against slavery
-- concerned that emancipation would divide US
1903 - British Uganda Program
-- British cabinet ministers
-- suggest land for Jewish state in Uganda (modern Kenya)
-- Theodore Herzel rejects, preferring Palestine
-- 1903 Kishanev riots Russian Empire, Herzel
-- introduces proposal to 6th Zionist Congress
-- to investigate Uganda as temporary measure for Russian Jews
-- opposition
-- walkout led by the Russian Jewish delegation to Congress
Jewish Territorialist Organization (ITO)
-- led by Israel Zangwill
-- split off from the Zionist movement
-- considered various territories:
-- various parts of America (e.g. Galveston)
-- Africa
-- Asia
-- Australia
ITO was dissolved in 1925
Zionist Socialist Workers Party
aka 'Zionist Socialists' or 'SS'
-- Jewish socialist territorialist political party
-- in Russian Empire & Poland
-- emerged from Vozrozhdenie (Renaissance) group 1904
-- held founding conference in Odessa, 1905
-- favoured favoured Jewish territorial autonomy outside of Palestine
-- most activities of party = revolutionary activities w/in Russia
-- Zionist Socialists played active role in 1905 Revolution
-- key figures:
- Nachman Syrkin
- Jacob Lestschinsky
- Volf Latsky-Bartoldi
- Shmuel Niger
-- 1906 many members went into exile in Western Europe
-- central organ: Der Nayer Veg (Yiddish weekly newspaper)
1911 - SERP - Jewish Socialist Workers Party
-- Poalei Zion
= Marxist-Zionist Jewish workers
= Poland, Europe & Russian Empire
-- seek recognition of national character of the Jewish people
-- by signed petition to:
- International Socialist Bureau
Jewish Labour Bund (aka 'the Bund')
aka General Jewish Labour Bund
-- in Lithuania, Poland & Russia
-- Yiddish for German 'Bund' meaning; union / federation
-- secular Jewish socialist party Russian Empire 1897 - 1920
-- allied itself w/ Russian social democratic movement
-- aim: democratic & socialist Russia
-- Russian Empire, incl:
- Lithuania
- Latvia
- Belarus
- Ukraine
- Poland (most)
-- these areas, most of worlds Jews lived then
-- Jewish Bund sought legal minority status for Jews in Russia
-- 1903-1904 - Czarist state repression
-- of Jewish Bund / arrests & imprisonment
-- Jewish Bund founding collective member:
-- Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) first congress, Minsk
-- Bund was sole rep of Jewish workers in RSDLP next 5 years
-- RDLP second congress: 1903, Brussels & London
-- Bund autonomous position w/in RSDLP rejected under Bolshevik pressure
-- Jewish Bund reps left Congress - first of many splits
-- 1906 4th (Unification) Congress - Stockholm
-- at which Jewish Bund rejoined RSDLP / but party fractured along ideological & ethnic lines
-- Jewish Bund sided w/ Menshevik faction (leader Julius Martov) vs.
-- Bolshevik faction (leader Vladimir Lenin)
-- in factional struggles preceding Russian Revolution 1917
-- in Polish areas of Russian Empire,
-- Jewish Bund was leading force in 1905 Revolution
-- later, went into period of decay
-- 1909-1910 labour activism strikes concentrated 10 cities led to deepened backlash re party.
-- 1910 Bundist legal trade union in only x4 cities (Bialystock, Vilnius, Riga, Lodz)
-- Bund split 1912
-- Bund became federated part of: Bund became a federated part of
-- Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Menshevik)
-- Jewish Bund eventually came to strongly oppose Zionism
-- arguing that emigration to Palestine was a form of escapism
-- Jewish Bund did not advocate separatism
-- Bund fucused on culture rather than a state or a location as glue re Jewish nationalism
-- idea borrowed extensively from Austro-Marxist school
(further alienating Bolsheviks & Lenin)
-- led by Victor Adler, Otto Bauer, Karl Renner and Max Adler
-- members of the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Austria
-- in last decades of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
-- & in First Austrian Republic (1918-1934)
-- known for theory of NATIONALITY & NATIONALISM
-- & attempt to fuse it with SOCIALISM in imperial context
-- Otto Bauer believed 'personal principle' was way to gather divided members of same nation
-- Otto Bauer wrote: 'Social Democracy & the Nationalities Question' (1907)
"personal principle wants to organise nations not in territorial bodies but in simple association of persons"
[Comment: also sidestepping the tribal heritage of a peoples that form a nation that is a holder of ancestral lands and political power that attaches to heritage and lands. Good for imperialist interests (combining patchwork of people) and good for minority interests. But not so good re indigenous or other principal populations, as they cede political power, by the look of things. It's more than that. It is ceding STATE power -- eg. ceding ability to raise taxes etc. It's the Balkanisation of political power and of state power. That's first impressions. I've not read more on this 'personal principle'.]
-- movement visible from 1904 in socialist magazines
-- not homogeneous movement / diverse thinkers & politicians
-- eg. neo-Kantian Max Adler & orthodox Marxist Rudolf Hilferding
-- 1921 Austro-Marxists formed: International Workers Union of Socialists)
-- (k.a. 2 1/2 International or Vienna International)
-- aiming to unite 2nd & 3rd Internationals -- but failed
-- inspired inspired later movements - eg. Eurocommunism & the New Left
-- that were seeking for DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST middle between communism & social democracy
-- in way to eventually unite 2 movements
-- put into practice as precursor of radical reform in Europe: eg social economic reforms,
-- healthcare, housing, educuational system in Vienna
-- which inspired Scandinavian social democratic parties & the British Labour Party
-- first movement in Europe to see supporters mount armed resistance
-- to growing FASCIST government / 1934 - fascism wins
Austro-Marxist - Principle of National Personal Autonomy
-- later adopted by various parties, incl.
-- the Bund (Gen. Jewish Labour Union)
-- left wing Zionists (Hashomer Hatzair) - in favour of bi-national solution in Palestine
-- the Jewish Folkspartei (b/w WWI and WWII)
-- the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania - after 1989
Adler = Ger. 'Eagle'
Victor Adler
-- Social Democratic Workers' Party of Austria (SDAP)
-- Foreign Minister of Austria, 1918-1918
-- succeeded by Otto Bauer
b. Prague
son of Jewish merchant from Moravia (Czech)
University of Vienna medical graduate 1881
/ assistant at psychiatric dept. Gen. Hospital
{resided at address that became famous as office of Sigmund Freud}
-- initially supported German national movement led by Georg Shonerer
-- increased anti-Semitic policies& amendment of Aryan paragraph
-- Victor Adler focused on social issues
-- 1886 - Adler published Gleichheit (Equality) journal (Marxist)
-- advocated the Anschluss (unification) of Austrian state with Germany
-- died of heart failure on last day of WWI, before he could pursue project
-- the father of Friedrich Adler
Adler = Ger. 'Eagle'
Freidrich Adler
Austrian socialist politician & revolutionary
-- assassinated Count Karl von Sturghkh 1916
-- member SPO, Social Democratic Party of Austria
-- editor Der Kampf magazine, from 1907
-- at Uni Zurich considered to chair physics dept. / deferred to Einstein
-- editor of Volksrecht newspaper (Zurich)
-- engaged in international trade union movement
-- became sec-gen of SPO Vienna to 1914
-- after start WWI / agitated against SPO policy of supporting war
-- anti war killing:
-- shot the Minister-President of Austria Count Karl von Stürgkh three times with a pistol, killing him
-- sentenced to death, a sentence which was commuted to 18 years imprisonment
-- 1918 - released after outbreak of revolution
-- active as leader of Arbeiterräte (workers' councils) & as member of National Council of Austria
-- more international socialist workers roles
-- outbreak of WWII fled to USA; died Zurich 1960
Bauer = Ger. 'farmer'
Otto Bauer
Foreign Minister of Austria 1918-1919
b. Vienna
University of Vienna, PhD Law
book: Die Sozialdemokratie und die Nationalitätenfrage (1907)
(ie Social democracy and the national question)
-- Austrian Social Democrat
-- Social Democratic Workers' Party of Austria (SDAP)
-- founded Der Kampf, the theoretical journal of the party
-- leading left-socialist Austro-Marxist thinker
-- an inspiration for the New Left movement & the Eurocommunism movement in 'third way' attempt re DEM.SOC.
-- WWI - served in the Austro-Hungarian Army
-- captured on Eastern Front early months of WWI
-- 3 years POW in Russia
-- 1917 returns to Austria
-- after Foreign Minister Victor Adler death 1919, Bauer appointed leader
-- Otto Bauer a Marxist socialist w/ pan-Germanic & nationaist ideas
-- negotiated w/ Wiemar govt re accession of Austria to Germany by March 1919 during German Revolution
-- was disappointed when Treaty of Versailles prohibited union of Austria w/ Germany
German Revolution of 1918–19
aka Novemberrevolution
-- conflict in German Empire at end of WWI
-- result of replacement of imperial govt with republic
-- revolution from Nov. 1918 to Aug 1919 establishment of republic (Weimar Republic)
-- Engelbert Dollfus (plus parts Christian Social Party) & Heimwehr
-- installed authoritarian corporatist dictatorship in 1933
-- Social Democrats failed uprising 1934, Feb.
-- Otto Bauer forced into exile
-- d. Paris 1938, just after Austria became part of German Third Reich.
Renner = 'winner' (variations: Sieger)
Karl Renner
1st Chancellor Austria, 1945
Law / University Vienna
Social Democratic Workers' Party of Austria (SDAP)
b. to wine growers in Margraviate of Moravia
Austro-Hungarian Empire
described as: Roman Catholic, German family
-- party prohibited during Austro-fascism period from 1934
-- Renner welcomed Anschlus 1938
-- WWII distanced from politics
-- set up provisional govt just before collapse Third Reich
-- Austria treated as unwilling party to Third Reich association
-- provisional govt recognised by all Four Powers
-- Renner first post WWII Chancellor
-- relatives moved to USA & Canada
-- Renner died Vienna 1950
-- one of the founders of discipline of the sociology of law
-- developed a Marxist theory of the institution of private law
-- argued separation of public & private law is a creation of capitalism,
-- where state enforces interests of capital owners
-- Renner & Otto Bauer ideas re legal protection of cultural minorities taken up by Jewish Bund
-- such ideals fiercely denounced by Vladimir Lenin
-- Joseph Stalin wrote criticism re 'Cultural National Autonomy'
Mainstream Zionist movement:
-- rejected the idea of a Jewish state anywhere but in Palestine
-- referred to as: Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel)
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This was really interesting stuff.
Above is just a summary of what I looked at.
Not sure if all the links are there ... it's all from the same source: Wikipedia.
Don't know that I'll remember this ... I'm pretty sure I did a summary re Georg Shonerer weeks ago ... but I've already forgotten him.
Think he was killed in a duel. Nope. That was some other guy. I think I have a pic of that guy's death mask somewhere.
Might have to check out George Shonerer some other time ... I've had it.
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