12:09 am
Friday, 15 July 2016 (GMT+2)
Time in Nice, France
weather: 21°C
By Jake Polden For Mailonline
Published: 07:27 EST, 15 July 2016 | Updated: 07:52 EST, 15 July 2016
At least 30 people were killed in the southern French town of Nice when a truck ran into a crowd celebrating the Bastille Day national holiday ...
French television channel BFM TV said the local prefecture in Nice was treating the incident as an attack and was asking people to stay at home.
The country is still under a State of Emergency following last year's attacks on Paris, when almost 150 people were murdered by Islamic State and Al-Qaeda operatives.
Both groups are well known for driving vehicles into innocent people, prompting fears that tonight's incident could be linked to their activities.
Daily Mail
RT News
#NICE: People blocked inside nearby cafes after #truck rams into crowd at la promenade
Lori Harito @LoHo__ 28s29 seconds ago
Reported: 39 killed. 100 injured in #NICE as a piece of s**t in a MAC truck drives through the promenade.
Mr Frexit @S5OKT 8m
stampede on the "Promenade des Anglais" in #Nice A truck drove through the crowd and there u shots #Attack #ISIS
Video 1
Video 2
Michael Horowitz @michaelh992 4m4 minutes ago
Helicopters deployed along the promenade in #Nice
amos ⚡@fasterthanlime 7m7 minutes ago
attacks in French town of #Nice during bastille day celebrations, 60 dead, shots fired.
Aaron @AzzaGill 2m2 minutes ago
You would be mental to go to France these days 👀 #Nice
A New Troll Account
Going to tweet this image to stop this happening again.
Am I doing it right? Has ISIS gone away now? #Nice #France
Gun Supporter?
No Name Pants @maskettaman 3m3 minutes ago
If only France had banned trucks. #Nice
Hashtag: #PorteOuvertesNice
Looks like a promo to find somewhere as refuge?
Miles @milorambles 1m1 minute ago
White House reports that President Obama has been informed of attack in #Nice #PrayForNice Truck driver has been killed acc to Le Parisien.
YouTube Share @YouTub3World 1m1 minute ago
#FranceAttack #Terror #Nice #France
Warning: This video is Age Restrict!
[on Twitter at above account - WARNING GRAPHIC ]
[I've chosen not to link: search for user account to see]
translation something about god
YouTube Account that loaded graphic video
is getting abuse from nutcases
that are adamant it is better to conceal
what is going on than it is to be aware
Simple solution is don't watch if you don't wish to see.
Video content is same as the @YouTub3World account (only @YouTub3World has audio), but YouTube's is muted.
Nutters harassing WikiLeaks as well.
I've saved the videos, as there's bound to be takedowns.
Can't properly watch the graphic one.
Seeing just a small part was enough.
Gunshots - mobile phone style video / French speakers
iTV News Video / Crowd Running
Truck Video / Faint Gunshot / Akbar at 0:14
France24 Video - Truck driver got out of vehicle. Began shooting. Driver killed by police. Bullet holes in wind-shield. Being treated as 'attack'. So far French not confirmed 'terror attack'. Hollande heading to meeting with crisis team.
@Mapospread555 16m16 minutes ago
Video footage of medical teams. GRAPHIC. Bodies in blood soaked sheets.
*look for it on Twitter, for those that wish to view.
[Not sure whether to save this or not; seems sort of sick to save it. But it will be gone if it's not saved.]
Twitter has offed this guy's account TWEET
so this one might be an Islamist? Or maybe not. I've got to stop doing that. I wouldn't have a clue.
However, it appears Twitter is doing the job of the FRENCH GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP.
I've already saved that video, by the way, Twitter.
Audio was really creepy on this ... it was on slow & sounded like a horror movie
"This witness spoke of at least 3 people in the truck" TRANSLATION (TWEET)
Tried to stop driver. Saw the driver.
He [driver] was nervous & not controlling steering wheel.
Witness looked at girl under truck.
Witness Did not think at that moment that driver did it on purpose.
Bystanders thought driver lost control.
I saw he was holding something like a cell phone.
I thought he was calling ambulance.
Guy thought maybe driver was defending himself from attack.
Driver then started to shoot at police.
At that moment officers asked bystanders to run.
Gunshots fired.
Driver was moving inside & he was holding something.
Cut off as interviewer asked if he looked like terrorist.
Eyewitness sounded like he was about to say driver was wearing a uniform. But this cut out. Not sure.
Death toll in the truck attack in #Nice rises to 77, French official says. http://cnn.it/29HuoJ5
VIDEO - FRANCE 24 English
Claire Lopez
Centre for Security Policy
[rough overview of audio interview]
- Global Jihad movement
- We are at war
- Treat this accordingly
Islamic State & other online groups have reportedly,
for a long time now, encouraged Muslims to act on
individual Jihad
[comment: this is irrelevant if the truck was full of weapons / it is an organised, networked attack ]
describing it as similar to Palestinian vehicle attacks against Jewish targets
mention of Ramadan toll
France has, as well as Western Europe, a large network of Jihadists
& some of those coming out of battlefields
Truck was full of guns and bombs when found
Americans and others in NATO can help
Where were they going?
Why didn't they deliver the weapons?
Why did they choose to ram people?
Claire Lopez makes it sound like the Jihadis are just doing these things in the West for no reason ... like they are simply 'at war' with the world.
Note also: France 24 is an Israeli channel.
My mistake: France24 is wholly French government owned:
... since 2008 been wholly owned by the French government (via its holding company, l'Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF)), having acquired the remaining shares held by its former partners Groupe TF1 and France Télévisions. Its budget is approximately €100 million per year. [wikipedia]
Center for Security Policy (CSP)
Washington, D.C.-based national security think tank
described as: pro-Israel advocacy group
activities focused on exposing and researching jihadist threats to the United States
LOL ... Southern Poverty Law Center designated the CSP as a hate group in 2016
Frank Gaffney, Jr., founded the Center for Security Policy in 1988
Gaffney began his government career in the 1970s
former aide in the office of Democratic Senator Henry M. Jackson, under Richard Perle
held the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence for Nuclear Forces and Arms Control Policy
in Reagan Administration, serving under Perle
1987, Gaffney was nominated to the position of Assistant Secretary of Defence for International Security Affairs
forced out of the Pentagon
criticised Ronald Reagan's pursuit of an arms control agreement with the USSR
contributes to the media site Newsmax
formerly, Gaffney wrote a column for The Washington Times
*Wikipedia isn't exactly reliable.
Judging by the entry, Wikipedia has an agenda of portraying what is a threat as 'conspiracy'.
SPLC - aren't particularly reliable either / strong agenda in the opposite direction to that of the CSP think tank
Sydney Morning Herald
* The truck driver was shot dead after the attack. He has been described in a 31-year-old of Tunisian origin in local media.
* French president Francois Hollande has extended its state of emergency for three months from July 26. France will also mobilise 10,000 extra military troops after the attack.
* The mayor of Nice said the truck contained guns and grenades.
A US official quoted in US media said authorities had "no means to confirm that ISIS was responsible" but the group was a top suspect. There has been no claim by IS for the act.
Truck driver described as Tunisian
which would mean truck driver is likely Sunni Muslim:
Tunisia's population (around 98%) are Muslims bulk of Tunisians belong to the Maliki School of Sunni Islam [square minarets] However, there is also Hanafi School followers (also Sunni) as result of Ottoman rule [octagonal minarets] [wikipedia]
16 July 2016
The press are making out as if the truck driver acted alone because he was 'depressed' and having domestic and financial problems.
BULLSH*T ... they are covering up an organised Jihadist attack, is my best guess.
After all, the press has given us recent propaganda articles about how dangerous lone wolf white nationalists are and how benign lone wolf jihadists are, or some such crap.
The press are completely full of crap. I would not believe anything they have to say in relation to anything.
If it is, blame the French politicians that enabled it.
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