White South Africans At Risk
European Commission Assistance Sought
Genocide Watch’s Dr. Gregory H. Stanton Press Release from South Africa
Press Release
5 December 2014
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Genocide Watch was the first international human rights organization to protest the murders and hate crimes committed against farmers in South Africa. Since his research trip in July 2012, Dr. Stanton said that hate crimes against Afrikaner farmers have not declined. The murder rate of the whole South African population remains at over 31 per 100,000. The murder rate of farmers, including Afrikaner farmers, is four times as high. The Institute of Security Studies estimated the farm murder rate at 120 per 100,000 in 2013, and the Transvaal Agricultural Union, using verified names of victims, placed the figure at 130 per 100,000 in 2013, one of the highest murder rates in the world.
Since 2007, the South African government has denied and covered up the crisis by not releasing any breakdown of how murders are distributed among ethnic groups in South Africa. American and European governments have remained silent about the problem, reinforcing the campaign of denial.
Several years ago the Marxist racist, Julius Malema, then President of the African National Congress Youth League, revived the singing of the “Shoot the Farmer, Kill the Boer” song, once a revolutionary song, but now an incitement to commit genocide. A South African judge declared that singing of the song is a hate crime and prohibited Malema from singing the “Kill the Boer” song. But then the South African President, Jacob Zuma, sang the song himself, in direct contempt for the judge’s ruling. Malema was later expelled from the ANC over an unrelated conflict with Zuma. He formed his own political party, the EFF, which has continued to promote a Marxist, racist agenda, and Malema was elected to Parliament. Jacob Zuma remains President of South Africa.
Dr. Stanton pointed out that Incitement to Commit Genocide is a crime under both international and South African law. He said that Malema should be put on trial for incitement to commit genocide and Zuma should be impeached, both for violating South African laws against incitement, and for massive corruption.
Dr. Stanton noted that recent studies of the correlation between corruption and atrocities committed by governments show that the relationship is direct. Once in power, corrupt governments cling to power because of the enormous wealth their officials amass. They then persecute, torture, and murder anyone who challenges their grip on power. That downward spiral has begun in South Africa, just as it did in Zimbabwe. In Zimbabwe it resulted in the Gukurahunde genocide against Joshua Nkomo’s Matabele people and Mugabe’s repression of the MDC.
The conviction rate has dropped from 32 percent ten years ago to about 22 percent today. This trend must be reversed. Police must be given education and training so they become competent and motivated crime fighters. An honest, educated, and dedicated police force is the strong arm of justice.
Private security companies should coordinate their systems, use infra-red, aerial and other advanced technology to detect criminals quickly and summon both armed private security companies and police to arrest criminals. Then their cases must be pressed until they are imprisoned.
Criminal gangs from other African countries should be deported.
The South African government must make stopping farm murders a priority. 30,000 commercial farmers supply most of South Africa’s food. South Africa cannot afford to lose their long experience in management. Training people once excluded from management will take several generations, not just a few years.
The first step is for the South African government to admit that farm murders are a serious threat not just to Afrikaner and white farmers, but to all South Africans, and make stopping these crimes a priority.
The second step is to arrest and convict or impeach corrupt political leaders.
The most important step is for South Africans of all ethnic groups to recognize that we are all members of the same race, the human race. [comment: that statement is ridiculous. There is no 'human race', no matter what the capitalist sponsored academics are preaching these days. What is referred to as 'human' is the collective term for distinct races, who are not one, owing to genetic, developmental, cultural and other history that has evolved separately over the course of many thousands of years.
Europeans need to (a) get the hell out of any place that is not under European control (b) preserve European societies. It's that simple. ]
South Africans must reject the cynical manipulation of racial resentments by politicians like Julius Malema and his Marxist racist followers.
South Africa needs effective security for all of its people. Without security, democracy is impossible.
White South Africans 'fearing for their lives' ask EU for right to 'return'
WHITE South Africans are asking the European Union to give them the "the right to return home" after claims they are facing "ethnic cleansing".
By Alix Culbertson
PUBLISHED: 00:01, Tue, May 26, 2015 | UPDATED: 09:06, Tue, May 26, 2015
The online call to action demands the European Commission (EC) allows all white South Africans to obtain automatic European citizenship.
The petition has already gained more than 1,000 supporters in just half a day.
Rodrigo de Campos, who started the campaign, is gaining support for his belief that the "white South African population currently faces ethnic cleansing and persecutions" at the hands of the ruling ANC government, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party and "various individual anti-white aggressors".
He also says: "Over 4000 white farmers have been brutally murdered, often including torture and rape and mutilation."
An increasing number of supporters believe the solution to this is for white South Africans - and white Zimbabweans and Namibians - to be allowed to "return" to whatever nation the majority of their ancestors are from - which in most cases is the Netherlands or the UK.
The petition compares white South Africans to Jews being allowed citizenship in Israel.
It says: "Based on the Israeli government's policy of allowing all Jews the right to return to Israel, we believe it is not only advisable but morally obligatory that Europe should allow all white South Africans the right to return."
Currently South Africans, of any colour, applying for British Citizenship have to tick all the boxes people from any other country outside the EU have to.
This includes having lived in the UK for at least five years before applying - usually on a work visa.
Susan Mulder, who signed the petition from Cape Town, said: "My life and the lives of my children are at risk daily.
"We love SA but are no longer welcome here in the country our ancestors built.
"We have no option but to ask for your help."
Another supporter of the petition is Marischka Davies, living in Liverpool. She said: "I am a naturalised British citizen yet my mom is stuck on her own in South Africa.
"She should be growing old with her daughter and granddaughter.
"She has been attacked with an AK47 held to her head and is alone and traumatised. She deserves to be free from living in fear."
While Matty de Bruyn, in Cape Town, simply said: "There is no hope for the white man in South Africa."
There are just over half a million South Africans living in Britain.
According to census date, more than 800,000 white South Africans moved overseas - mainly to Britain, Australia and New Zealand - between 1991 and 2001.
Express.co.uk has contacted the EC for a comment.
However well intended the Genocide Watch lobbying:
Europeans Need to Get Out of South Africa. It's Unsafe. It Will Remain Unsafe.
All Europeans should have been evacuated from South Africa.
It's criminal that they were not. Particularly when the US-Anglo Capitalist Empire is responsible for putting them in danger.
British and European politicians will not concern themselves with the welfare of Europeans in danger in South Africa, unless pressured to do so: their priority is filling Europe with third world arrivals, and otherwise participating in the destruction of European nations (eg. former Yugoslavia, Ukraine).
All those liberal left intelligentsia suckers and the filthy, lying capitalist press are just as responsible as the lying, scheming, politician scum.
At least some activist is doing something:
PETITION is here: needs another 24,019 signatures (they've got over 50,000 signed).
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