Planet Tokyo
Spent forever fiddling with Open Shot video editor.
More freezing. Started over. Would near the end, only to have same or some other problem, again
Open Shot works fine until I'm just about done ... and then it freezes and my edits are useless.
Otherwise, it has taken to not fully converting files.
Some Javascript freeze is happening, I think. But I don't know what it was.
The entire process takes an eternity. Managed to chain-smoke ... indoors. Now I have to hide the evidence.
Too jacked off to keep at it, but I'm probably faster at edits than I ever have been.
Mysteriously 'lost' some tracks. But that was probably a case of hidden tracks I couldn't figure out how to 'unhide'.
Tried to check out the news while I was going nuts waiting for conversions, but even that kept freezing while I was converting. So there was a lot of restarting.
What I did see on the news was a freak-out: multiple terror attacks in Saudi Arabia, and then there's Iraq, Cameroon and Turkey recently.
No wonder we all have to live under totalitarian surveillance. On the other hand, it's not like it would have taken a genius to foresee problems, on one hand, and totalitarianism, on the other. Western governments are negligent.
Someone needs to start a site with a terror tally.
Think I'd better crash out before I go nuts from lack of sleep ...
I won! I won! I won!
I beat the OpenShot stall ... LOL
Woke up & decided to edit out the tail end of video clip edit no. 8, to see if it helps complete the file conversion to MP4 that kept stalling on me millimetres from the finish, making Edit No. 8 impossible to complete.
It worked. Video clip edit complete & converted. Missing a bit of the tail end, but that's OK.
Birthday Project
Video Clip Edit No. 8
LINK | Post
*feel totally wrecked from not sleeping at proper times
... and we were arguing within like 5 minutes of being in the same room together. about the merits of lasagne meal prep. i'm really not interested in hours-long Bolognese sauce cook-ups, or fattening, subsequent time-waster multi-step prep meal-making, when it wouldn't bother me too much just eating toast ... and now I really don't care if the oven is ever fixed. LOL
in my ideal world, I want each day to be as long as a week, & to do whatever I want with my head space, all day, and every day. that's my idea of heaven ... even if it's pointless, and I'm just sort of detached and dying. But there's no stopping dying. LOL
.... now it's an argument about how I defrost food; how I should be doing it to his specs; it's whining and nagging at me from another room; i've told him to f*ck off; that's the signal for hanging sh*t on me some more, like a 'go' flag; i've got headphones and music on, and i can still hear it verbally abusing me .... LOL; it's now whining about the sour cream I put on the Thai Green Chilli Curry (*shrug* ... too bad, it's what I'm having on mine); his face looked weird and contorted, like he's someone else ... someone I don't like, and there's a glass of red wine beside him ... think he might already be pissed. wish I was still asleep. LOL
... severe anxiety welling and sort of ebbing and flowing by itself
kept asking 'What are you doing?', as i thought there was a fair bit of activity going on & i wanted to know what it was
turns out he's dropped his chocolate and had to clean it up off the floor
says I'm like an old f*cking bleep Mother Superior
(LOL ... probably catching him out all the time)
we both had a laugh at that; but my anxiety is rolling, and it's now like being on a bad ride that won't stop ...
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