Boris Johnson
British Whorin'
Foreign Minister
Whoring Boris Johnson Appointed British Foreign Minister
Kidnapped in the al-Mansour district of Baghdad, Iraq on 16 September 2004
- Kenneth John Bigley
- Jack Hensley, USA
- Eugene Armstrong, USA
- civil engineers working for Gulf Supplies and Commercial Services
- company involved in reconstruction projects in Iraq
by Tawhid & Jihad (Oneness of God & Jihad) Islamists
Islamists groups demanded release of Iraqi women prisoners held by coalition forces
threat to kill Western captives within 48 hours
Captives beheaded:
- - 20th Sept, deadline: Armstrong, Eugene (USA)
- - 24 hours later: Hensley, Jack (USA)
- - over 2 weeks later: Bigley, Kenneth John (UK)
Bigley executed despite intervention of:
- - Muslim Council of Britain
- - British govt (indirect)
CIA (using voice recognition tech) claimed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (Jordan) carried out beheading of Armstrong
MI6 launched rescue op
enabled Bigley to escape briefly
but he was recaptured at roadblock
taken to safehouse & beheaded shortly thereafter
source includes video ( ... disturbing, not watching )
Boris Johnson unpopular in Liverpool
Correspondents Report - Sunday, 24 October , 2004
Reporter: Kirsten Aiken
HAMISH ROBERTSON: Finally to Britain, where there's a tradition of enjoying the spectacle of high profile and opinionated public figures making complete fools of themselves.
Boris Johnson's attempts to rationalise the central point of an article in his magazine the Spectator, which attacked the people of Liverpool for over-reacting to the gruesome death of British engineer Ken Bigley in Iraq, included a visit to the home city of the Beatles to make a grovelling apology.
But as one newspaper later reported, Liverpudlians who'd been stung by the severity of the comments were split between those who loathed Boris Johnson and wished he'd go home, and those who loathed him and wished he'd never come in the first place.
Here's our London Reporter Kirsten Aiken.
KIRSTEN AIKEN: A taste for controversy is how the conservative Spectator magazine promotes itself. This past week it could be said to have satisfied a very large appetite after accusing Liverpudlians of too extreme a reaction following the beheading of one of their former residents, British engineer Ken Bigley, who was murdered by Iraqi insurgents earlier this month.
The magazine, edited by the Conservative frontbencher Boris Johnson, touted: "we've lost our sense of proportion about such things" – because a minute's silence was held to mark Ken Bigley's memory in an international football match in the days after the horrific incident.
And the anonymously written article didn't stop there.
"The fact that such a tribute was demanded emphasised the mawkish sentimentality of a society that has become hooked on grief and likes to wallow in a sense of vicarious victimhood." [comment: what an assh*le article. This would be fair comment if he The Specator were talking about the anti European victimhood propaganda the state and corporate media propaganda machine pushes while pushing an agenda of European divestment, but the article's referring to the barbaric slaughter of an Englishman.]
It was too much for Liverpudlians, whose sporting fans were also accused of contributing to the Hillsboro football tragedy in which more than 50 people died.
[comment: I've not read the article, but I'm assuming there was maybe a commemoration for the sporting fans that were killed in a crush? Although (generally speaking) I find what you might call victimhood status generation and public displays of victimhood unattractive, the politicians and their corporate media scribes are first to use victimhood propaganda to shape public opinion, so why are they on the offensive in this instance?
Political reasons. It involves Muslims who have been permitted to colonise and buy Britain. Muslims who are actively encouraged by politicians and the government to invest money in Britain. So this is about politicians pimping the heritage of Britons, in exchange for MONEY for the ruling elites. Therefore, politicians are also invested in putting out any 'fires' that may potentially put at risk the monetary rewards the political and economic elites anticipate to receive, as they sell the heritage from under Britons. ]
Not sure what was going on with Boris Johnson in relation to Muslims back in 2004, but I expect as Mayor of the Muslim stronghold in Britain, it would have been much the same as today: a desire for influence over an enormous Muslim settlement in London and a desire for MONEY / INVESTMENT from Muslims abroad.
The biggest factor at play in Britain at that time would have been British politicians and media intent on disseminating propaganda to ensure continued illegal British military presence in Iraq, as the British Ruling Capitalists have sunk a total of £9.24 billion of British taxpayer money into the illegal Iraq war).
more | here
"I'm the first London Mayor of 'Muslim extraction', Boris Johnson boasts as he pleads for Arab investment in the capital"
... his great-great-grandfather Ahmed Hamdi, a Muslim entrepreneur who made his money in beeswax
His great-grandfather ‘grew up knowing the Koran off by heart and he would have been stunned to find that his descendant had gone on to become Mayor of this city, and even more amazed to find that the world had so progressed that today we are welcoming the world’s first Islamic Economic Forum to take place outside the Muslim world’.
Mr Johnson announced a £100million fund to encourage tech start-ups from the Muslim world to move to Britain.
It comes after David Cameron unveiled a £200million new Islamic bond - known as a ‘sukuk’ - which complies with Islamic rules on investments and said the London Stock Exchange will launch a new Islamic index alongside the FTSE.
Jihad Watch
"London Mayor: Islamic State flag shouldn’t be banned because UK is free country"
July 9, 2015
The UK is a free country. Sure. It’s a free country if you preach hatred, jihad, and Sharia. But if you dare to point out that Islam has a doctrine of violence against unbelievers, then no, it is not a free country at all.
Jihad Watch
Thought the above couple of random articles might explain Johnson's political position.
I'm pretty sure Johnson is of Jewish origins.
Well, it appears that Boris Johnson can call up whatever part of his ancestry serves his political purpose.
On mother's side would make him Jewish, according to Jewish law.
-end comment- ]
It saw locals criticise Boris Johnson for a lack of tact and timing.
[ ...]
KIRSTEN AIKEN: A bumbling Boris Johnson did apologise for causing offence, but insisted he couldn't retract the thrust of the argument, which sought to point out an apparently new British trait of blaming others for one's misfortunes. [comment: Boris Johnson's (and his magazine's) deliberate castigation affront to the Liverpool community's grief, in response to the barbaric murder of a Liverpudlian Englishmen, is POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. This man is a pig, and so is the British government and its politicians, who have SOLD OUT ALL BRITONS for ARAB MONEY. ]
Because Ken Bigley chose to work in one of the world's most dangerous places, against the advice of the foreign office, the article suggests he contributed to his death. It also sought to point out the true mark of maturity in civilization is to cut out ignorant sentimentality. [comment: Again, politicians and the British Foreign Office are quick to use 'sentimentality' when it serves their political proposes, selling war abroad or selling invasion at home. F*cking assh*les. Why is this journalist selling the VICTIM-BLAMING narrative of the British Foreign Office swine who sell out Britons EVERY DAY, IN EVERY WAY, as they destroy their ancestral homeland? Australian news is cucked as.]
But timing, it seems, is everything – a point that wouldn't have escaped Boris Johnson as he later handed out prizes to children at an event titled 'Learn from our mistakes'.
This is Kirsten Aiken in London for Correspondents Report.
Johnson comments that probably aren't politically motivated would be:
The remarks Johnson made about Papua New Guinea's cannibalism and chief killing, which are probably factually correct. So I don't see the problem with that ... although it might be seen as tactless of a politician that is required to display grovelling Culturally Marxist sensibilities at all times.
'Watermelon smiles'? Not sure what that's about, but there's a stereotyped association between Africans and watermelons (probably evolved in the American south). However, I doubt Johnson's intent was to offend.
Judging by these remarks, Boris Johnson could prove an entertaining foreign minister.
At first I was prepared to laugh off Johnson's extramarital-affair, as it's humorous and doesn't seem too important from what is a safe emotional distance of not having the misfortune to be involved with the cheating assh*le that is Boris Johnson.
Now I don't like this guy at all, and I don't trust him.
Boris Johnson's an anti-social whore in more ways than one and it is his potential political whoring and lying that is sure to come to the forefront of foreign affairs issues.
More on Johnson's lying, in case my Boris criticism appear too harsh:
" ... what did we expect from a man who has been fired not once but twice for lying? In 1988 the young Johnson was sacked from The Times for fabricating a quote in an article, and in 2004 he was “relieved of his duties” as shadow arts minister of the Tory Party for allegedly lying about an extra-marital affair." [Independent]
Oh, look, the invasion of yet another European nation continues unabated, alongside empty politician promises:
"... pre-Brexit Johnson promised greater controls on the number of migrants entering the UK. Come Monday, he wrote that migrant numbers won’t fall. Instead the UK will introduce an Australian-style points based immigration system. The very system in which the economy, not the government sets immigration targets. In fact counties which have adopted a points-based system have higher levels of migration." [Independent (as above)]
I feel sick in the stomach reading that.
So European nations are being destroyed for what they call 'the economy'?
Without a nation to speak of, what sense is there in the existence of an economy?
Boris Johnson is Anyone's
Ooooh, look ... Boris Johnson's Hasidic when it's politically expedient to be:
Boris Johnson Britain's
Scooting Skirt-chaser
Must keep an eye on naughty Boris ;)
Think I might flip back to being pro-Boris ... he's being criticised by the Germans and the French, so that's a positive (and he was pro Brixit, so maybe that makes up for his philandering? ... LOL).
Dislike the French and German politicians more than Johnson's whoring ... I think.
But being party to the implementation of an invasion of Britain and selling out the British for the sake of Arab money is harder to overlook.
[Fixing typos takes me forever, because I make more typos as I fix typos ... because I've got music blaring in my headphones & two senses don't work as effectively as one. But I like it. LOL
OMG ... pasting in a few small codes to house quotes has been a massive edit job because something was out of whack (probably my not removing all block code), so Blogger than spits out what it wants ... and it takes forever to fix. Blogger's giving me anxiety, LOL ]
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