Illegitimate Transfer of Inalienable European Rights via Convention(s) & Supranational Bodies Establishment of Sovereignty-Usurping Supranational Body Dictatorships Enduring Program of DEMOGRAPHICS WAR on Europeans Enduring Program of PSYCHOLOGICAL WAR on Europeans Enduring Program of European Displacement, Dismemberment, Dispossession, & Dissolution
No wars or conditions abroad (& no domestic or global economic pretexts) justify government policy facilitating the invasion of ancestral European homelands, the rape of European women, the destruction of European societies, & the genocide of Europeans.
Who's preaching world democracy, democracy, democracy? —Who wants to make free people free?
Hillary Clinton's Damage-Control Spin-Doctors Fail to Convince
ministry of tokyo
document via CNN | mark-up: tokyo
Checking out what the response is to the latest stunning WikiLeaks release (The Podesta E-mails):
Propaganda article headline:
'Weaponised' WikiLeaks dumps Hillary Clinton's speeches to Wall Street [LINK ARTICLE]
is attempting to associate a media organisation providing whistleblower information to the public as 'weaponised' by conflating the made up propaganda-babble with the whistleblower publishing organisation, WikiLeaks ... before going on to refer to whistleblower media publishing as the act of 'dumping'. Nice one.
Meanwhile, they're dumping American propaganda on the unsuspecting public.
Note reference to 'McClatchy' at base of what is ostensibly an 'Australian' article and the further reference to McClatchy, which is merely an American publishing company (which is not explained), in the body of the article, as if this American publishing organisation is somehow the oracle of authenticating digital data ... which nobody is claiming is *not* authentic, as US politicians and their handlers duck and weave, refusing to confirm authenticity (which is a dead give-way ... and WikiLeaks has a 100% record of providing authentic documents, so I'm going to take a wild guess and say that these are authentic documents provided to the organisation by a whistleblower):
"McClatchy could not verify the authenticity of the emails"
Ho-hum. So much for that nowhere information that could potentially lead an unsuspecting reader to believe that the documents themselves could not be authenticated. LOL. Sneaky capitalist press needs a good, hard spanking.
Information regarding 'McClatchy' below:
The McClatchy Company established: 1857 159-year history publicly traded US publishing company Sacramento, California Revenue US$ 1.056 Billion (2015) [wikipedia]
Article is very sneaky:
"... revelation that may perpetuate criticism"
The choice of words intends, in my opinion, to soften or blunt the stark reality of what these revelations disclose about candidate Clinton, and the words "perpetuate criticism" would almost suggest that criticism is undeserved ... as if criticism of candidate Clinton lies in a vacuum that is divorced of the facts of the global chaos that has been generated by the former US Secretary of State, Clinton, while in public office.
That's how I take it when I see Clinton presented in this manner in the media, after exposure of her duplicity and patent unsuitability as President of a nation that is effectively a world hegemon.
"anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks"
Subtle presentation of the whistleblower publisher media organisation, WikiLeaks, in a negative light: as 'anti-secrecy' VERSUS being pro-transparency.
Very sneaky, especially when we consider the fact that you cannot have a democracy without a high level of integrity, transparency and informed public consent.
"Clinton's campaign declined to confirm authenticity ..."
Of course it declined.
Denial and #BlamePutin is apparently US capitalist politician fall-back strategy.
"Obama administration accused Russia of being behind the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers in June ..."
Errrrr, not exactly. Look at the joint US government agency statement document highlighted above.
US officials sought to smear and made allegations about their ehem, 'beliefs', before proceeding to state:
"We are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government"
The sneaks have thrown in the word 'now' to give the impression that they will some day substantiate their smear. LOL
So there you have it.US government cannot attribute to the Russian government activity that led to release of information, just as the Russian government spokesman says. LOL
Meanwhile in the capitalist owned press:
"Earlier today the US government removed any reasonable doubt that the Kremlin has weaponised WikiLeaks to meddle in our election and benefit Donald Trump's candidacy," Clinton campaign spokesman Glen Caplin said. "We are not going to confirm the authenticity of stolen documents released by Julian Assange, who has made no secret of his desire to damage Hillary Clinton."
What the f*ck? Can Glen Caplin not read, or is he spinning the public tosh? Given the US DHS and DNI joint statement above, specifically stating:
"We are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government"
Not only is the Kremlin being smeared here, so is Aussie journalist-publisher, Julian Assange, who is accused of harbouring a "desire to damage" the Witch of Wall Street, after WikiLeaks have published public interest whistleblower material released to the organisation ... versus suppressing this vital public interest information, as perhaps the capitalist-owned and controlled, propaganda press would have done?
LMAO ... "documents can be faked as part of a sophisticated Russian misinformation campaign".
Now they're suggesting they're faked documents: documents they refuse to authenticate. Hello? LOL
TO APPEAR BALANCED, WESTERN CAPITALIST MEDIA PUBLISHES THE FOLLOWING ... but after all the spin-doctoring in Western media, and after decades of Cold War anti-Russian / anti-Slavic entertainment media propaganda being broadcast from capitalist-controlled Hollywood, who in the West is likely to accept the world of an unknown Russian minister, one might ask:
"There is no proof whatsoever for such grave accusations,"[Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov]
"(They are) ...fabricated by those who are now serving an obvious political order in Washington, continuing to whip up unprecedented anti-Russian hysteria." [Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov]
The capitalist-owned & capitalist serving media immediately then highlights the Clinton Campaign Spox spin:
“The Kremlin has weaponised WikiLeaks to meddle in our election and benefit Donald Trump's candidacy.” [Glen Caplin, Clinton campaign spokesman]
Throughout the article is an attempt to dignify and elevate what is an unindicted criminal, capitalist-backed presidential candidate, Shillary Clinton, with the title: 'Mrs Clinton'. As if, being associated with unindicted war criminal and molester of staff Bill Clinton, is somehow an honour.
"Clinton has repeatedly refused to release transcripts of her speeches"
Ummmm ... no wonder, when she dreams of a global capitalist slave state and destruction of national boundaries and homelands.
$US21.5 million ($28 million) on speeches post role as US Secretary of State [SMH]
Goldman Sachs 24 Oct 2013 speech, Clinton sings the praises of "Wall Street insiders" and their remarkable ability to self-regulate. Guess Shillary knows which side her bread's buttered on? LOL
The article then dwells at length on Shillary Clinton's smear against US capitalist targets: China and Russia.
However, it is the US that has been spying not only on all US citizens in secret and in contravention of rights enshrined in the US constitution, but has also spying on entire countries abroad and on their leaders, in partnership with their capitalist offsider's agents, GCHQ.
Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman:
"With today's WikiLeaks revelations we are finding out who Hillary Clinton really is, and it's not hard to see why she fought so hard to keep her transcripts of speeches to Wall Street banks paying her millions of dollars secret" ""The truth that has been exposed here is that the persona Hillary Clinton has adopted for her campaign is a complete and utter fraud. How can Bernie Sanders and many like-minded Democrats continue to support her candidacy in light of these revelations?""
Surprised the article included this comment from the RNC chairman, who sums it up quite correctly.
How can Bernie Sanders and Democrats continue to support Shillary's candidacy?
Uuummmm ... maybe they're much the same scumbags Shillary is.
Elon University Poll: "effect would be minimal"
LOL ... assuming the 'poll' is not an attempt at capitalist social engineering in favour of Wall Street's presidential candidate.
Otherwise, no wonder the 'effect would be minimal' when all mainstream media ownership is concentrated in capitalist conglomerate hands and comprises a mere six (6) controlling capitalist interests.
"Hey, look over there-- "
McClatchy (or is it SMH?) then inserts some garbage about Trump having allegedly uttered something about grabbing women "by the pussy", circa 2005. That's about as good as calling someone a c*nt back in 1988.
Take it that Trump is not running around grabbing vaginas, or women would have been suing in droves by now ... so how relevant is this in the wider non-indoctrinated (and non-Pavlovian) scheme of things, when you have a US presidential candidate that advocates a public and a private face (which should be of real concern, not only to the US but to countries with alliances with this capitalist train-wreck); and a US presidential candidate that was instrumental in destroying the economy of Iran; the destruction of Libya during the US and allied capitalist orchestrated coup and attendant war of aggression on Libya - where Hillary Clinton, as US Secretary of State, went against the advice of US military of the time, committing instead the destruction of a functioning state that was cooperative with the US, that led to the brutal torture-murder of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi (which Hillary has a giggle about in the video below), the subsequent killing in Libya of a US Ambassador and other US officers, the arming of surrounding Islamists, the CIA engineered destruction of Syria by channelling weapons and Islamists to Syria, the rise of Islamic terrorism in the region and the resulting civil war that has been destroying the country since 2011, plus the displacement of millions that are flooding Europe.
But Trump said something stupid about 'pussy' in 2005 and we should all be outraged by such a thing?
Does anyone in actually swallow this capitalist owned and controlled media garbage these days?
Unfortunately, I suspect that this sneaky sort of propaganda is generally quite effective, because the time-poor public usually does not comb over the narrative of the propaganda press and propaganda politicians, or otherwise invest time in connecting the dots in order to establish a more coherent picture that's absent from capitalist propaganda isolated propaganda pieces that are broadcast to the unsuspecting Western public by their Czarist US-Anglo Capitalist masters.
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